Breast Enhancement Herbs:
Ancient Remedies and Modern Solutions

Breast Enhancement Herbs:
Ancient Remedies and Modern Solutions

Pueraria mirifica, a tuber whose roots are now being used to rejuvenate women around the globe, can boost your libido and sexual function. Studies show that it can also increase breast size with its estrogenic influence.


For centuries, Pueraria mirifica has been used to treat rheumatism, relieve menopausal symptoms, support vaginal health, etc. Since it’s a natural phytoestrogenic booster, this plant also promotes bone health and breast tissue repair.


Take the tubers of Pueraria, pound them, and blend them with cow milk. This solution supports memory, helps fight off parasite diseases, and makes one’s skin smooth.

Take the tubers of Pueraria, pound them, and blend them with cow milk. This solution supports memory, helps fight off parasite diseases, and makes one’s skin smooth.



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Pueraria Merifica at a Glance

Pueraria muerifica, Krao, or Kwao Krua is a native plant in some southeast Asian countries. This includes Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.


In Thailand, it’s known as Kwao Krua Kao. This distinguishes Pueraria mirifica from other tubers that are also referred as Kwao Krua, such as Butea superba.


Since the 13th century, natives consume the root of the plant. Dried and powdered, chiropractors and shamans promote it as a rejuvenating herb.


In 1931, a group of archaeologists went excavating in Bagan, the capital of Burma. They discovered the texts below engraved in the walls of a Buddhist temple.


The writings dated to AD 1200. Although Pookham, Burma’s ancient capital, was sacked by Mongol invaders, the text wasn’t destroyed.


Luan Anusan Suntara, an author, published a booklet that details the proper use of Pueraria mirifica. As stated in the pamphlet, he claimed that the plant could improve memory and reduce wrinkles.


Since then, people have used Krao root extract to balance hormones, increase bust size, and improve hair health.


Today, pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing products containing Krao root powder or extract. In order for anyone to benefit from the wonder herb, they have made Pueraria mirifica supplements and solutions available online.


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Safety of Pueraria Mirifica

Safety of Pueraria Mirifica

Studies have indicated that a daily 25 to 100 mg dose of Krao supplements is safe. However, there are some adverse reactions, which are listed in the next section.


Phytoestrogens can be found in many native plants like P. mirifica and B. superba. These chemical compounds mimic estrogens.


Phyto is the Greek word for “plant.” “Estrogen” is the hormone that regulates important body functions, such as metabolism, reproduction, and sexual function.


Although phytoestrogens are plant-based, they function like animal estrogens.


Kwao Krua Side Effects

Kwao Krua Side Effects

According to researchers, the safest dose of P. mirifica is 25 to 100 mg per day. If the dose is increased, you may experience reproductive disorders, hot flashes, sleep disorders, and mood swings.


Plant Components

Plant Components

The roots of Pueraria mirifica contain 17 phytoestrogens. These 17 are naturally-occurring compounds that function like estrogens in female humans.


The phytoestrogens have been categorized into chromenes, coumestans, and isoflavonoids. Microestrol is the most common chemical compound found in the plant’s roots.


Microestrol is a chromene and a pharmaceutical agent. According to RCARO, microestrol can increase breast size since it acts like estrogen.


Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

1. Helps Stop Binge Drinking

1. Helps Stop Binge Drinking

Studies show that intake of Krao supplements can decrease alcohol craving.


2. Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

2. Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

A 100 mg daily dose of Krao solution for 4 months can reduce menopausal symptoms, including skin dryness, high cholesterol levels, frustration, sleep disorders, etc.


3. Promotes Bone Health

3. Promotes Bone Health

As women grow older, their bone mass decreases. The plant’s phytoestrogens slows bone deterioration. In rats, ingestion of Pueraria mirifica prevents osteoporosis and rheumatism.


4. Bolsters Heart Health

4. Bolsters Heart Health

The body of postmenopausal women can’t process fats that well. This is because of the decrease in estrogen and progesterone production during and after menopause.


Cholesterol deposits in veins and arteries can lead to heart attack, stroke, or death. Two months of oral intake of Krao powder can improve heart function and helps the body burn fats.


Low levels of estrogen can lead to obesity or weight gain. Estradiol, a form of estrogen, regulates body weight and metabolism.


Phytoestrogens functions likes estradiol. They can increase metabolism in women. In turn, fat deposits are burned naturally.


5. Improves Brain Function

5. Improves Brain Function

In controlled settings, intake of Pueraria mirifica bolsters the signals sent between neurons. When brain signals are strong, memory and cognition are improved.


The plant’s antioxidant properties also help in fighting off brain inflammation. Brain inflammation can damage the organ and cause dementia.


6. Fights Off Certain Forms of Cancer

6. Fights Off Certain Forms of Cancer

Purified phytoestrogens stop the spread of malignant cells and help in destroying them. In rats, P. mirifica pretreatment prevents breast cancer development.


Pueraria Mirifica Promotes Women’s Health

Pueraria Mirifica Promotes Women’s Health

Estrogen, as well as phytoestrogens, stimulates breast tissue growth. Women who take Krao supplements and estrogen-based pills report breast swelling.


P. mirifica can cause fluid retention and increase fats around the breast area.


According to European researchers, Krao also promotes milk production and improves women’s libido. Intake of Krao can help nursing mothers who lack milk.


Remifemin, a compound found in the plant, is widely used by Germans. Remifemin can decrease pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms and exhibits estrogenic properties.


Diosgenin, another natural-occurring compound found in the plant, is also estrogenic. It’s a natural breast enlarger consumed by American indians.


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We can say that P.mirifica products can boost your libido, improve your overall health, and increase your breast size. By raising your estrogen levels, it can make you more feminine and make your breasts firmer than they’ve ever been.

We can say that P.mirifica products can boost your libido, improve your overall health, and increase your breast size. By raising your estrogen levels, it can make you more feminine and make your breasts firmer than they’ve ever been.



Kwao Krua or Pueraria mirifica is a traditional herb in many southeast Asian nations. This wonder herb is now available online at an affordable price.


We can say that P.mirifica products can boost your libido, improve your overall health, and increase your breast size. By raising your estrogen levels, it can make you more feminine and make your breasts firmer than they’ve ever been.


Pueraria mirifica is very common in Thailand. Its roots are added in traditional remedies for rheumatism, osteoporosis, and PMS.


Although there are only a number of clinical trials conducted for testing the herb’s efficacy, it has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine.


Many studies have shown that Kwao Krua can increase breast size in females. Other than this, it can also help women cope with pre-menstrual syndrome and post-menopausal syndrome.


All in all, the plant supports feminity and improves overall health of women. Proper intake won’t cause any adverse reaction. Rather, doing so can improve brain function, heart health, and bone health.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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