Breast Enlargement Cream
as an Alternative to Surgery: Does It Work?

Breast Enlargement Cream
as an Alternative to Surgery: Does It Work?

Women’s breasts come in a variety of sizes, but if you don’t feel “gifted” enough with yours, you probably wish that they’re just slightly bigger than they currently are. In this case, a breast enhancement cream or serum may be able to help you with your issue, though the results aren’t instant.


Alternatively, modern technology provides an immediate solution through breast enhancement surgery. Understandably, many women would prefer not to undergo the procedure, not only because of the added expenses but the risks for irreversible results that may not actually be what they want.


Wondering about which solution is better for your needs? Read on to find out how breast enlargement creams and serums compare to surgery.


Ultimately, breast enlargement surgery has its place, and it can be the better solution if you literally want a big change. But if you just want a slight boost, you’re better off going the natural route.

Ultimately, breast enlargement surgery has its place, and it can be the better solution if you literally want a big change. But if you just want a slight boost, you’re better off going the natural route.



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Breast Enlargement Creams vs. Breast Enlargement Surgery

Breast Enlargement Creams vs. Breast Enlargement Surgery

Having fuller breasts these days is no longer a shot to the moon. Depending on your budget, preference, and patience for results, there are various solutions available that can help you achieve the breast aesthetic that you want.


Brief Overview of Breast Enlargement Creams

Brief Overview of Breast Enlargement Creams

Breast enhancement creams are primarily made from phytoestrogens like Pueraria Mirifica. Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that behave in similar manners to human estrogen.


Hence, consuming phytoestrogens can be a healthy solution for people who are in need of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In fact, Pueraria Mirifica is used for helping with estrogen deficiency in menopausal women and even andropausal men.


But how do phytoestrogen-filled creams really help with breast size?


The cream’s various natural ingredients like phytoestrogens and antioxidants encourages your breasts’ fat cells to grow. Although you can’t expect instant results, when you regularly massage the cream to your breasts, it eventually becomes firmer, fuller, and perkier.


If you’re just looking for a way to enhance what you currently have, then breast enlargement creams are a great solution. Obviously, it won’t make your breasts 2 full cup sizes bigger, but the change can be noticeable enough.


Here are a few other reasons why creams are recommended:


  • Solution to Uneven Breasts: Breast asymmetry is common, and most of the time, it can go by unnoticed. But if you really can’t stand yours, creams may help.

    Since it’s topical, it’s easy to target the spots that lack breast fats. You can easily put as much or as little as you need.

  • Money Saver: Surgery typically costs a fortune. If you want to try out cheaper solutions first, creams are highly recommended.

  • Breast Toner: If you’re having problems with sagging or drooping breasts, creams may be a great answer. This is because it helps the body manage its estrogen levels, which thereby stimulates your breasts to produce more fats.

  • Minimal Side Effects: Invasive procedures like surgery and injection can usually lead to side effects that may be bad for you into the long term. Meanwhile, creams will never be as dangerous.


Brief Overview of Breast Enlargement Surgery

Brief Overview of Breast Enlargement Surgery

Breast enlargement surgery requires implants to make the breasts bigger. It’s usually the go-to solution for women who want immediate and long-lasting results.


The problem is, the results may look too artificial for your tastes. Unless your doctor has a proven track record of great results, surgery may bring more harm than good.


Surgery is also associated with side effects like numbness, chronic breast pain, scar tissue, infection, and even hardened breasts. Additionally, contrary to popular belief, surgery isn’t exactly “permanent”.


This is because breast implants eventually wear out. As a result, it may change shape so you’ll also have to go back to your doctor to have them adjusted or replaced.


Basically, you’ll have to go under the knife more than once if you opt for surgery. Although many doctors out there have done a great job with their patients, ask yourself whether this is something that you’re willing to go through repeatedly.


Ultimately, breast enlargement surgery has its place, and it can be the better solution if you literally want a big change. But if you just want a slight boost, you’re better off going the natural route.


Enlarging Breasts, the Natural Way

Enlarging Breasts, the Natural Way

Now that we understand how breast enlargement creams do the trick, are creams the only natural product that you can turn to? Fortunately, there are also Pueraria Mirifica serums, which may be even more effective than creams in this regard.


Creams vs. Serums: Which is More Effective?

Creams vs. Serums: Which is More Effective?

Since Pueraria Mirifica is an effective ingredient for estrogen-related health issues, it has become a favorite component in breast enhancement products. These days, you’ll find both creams and serums in the market.


Breast enlargement creams are similar to lotions and moisturizers. As such, it’s usually the better product if you’re also trying to solve skin issues like dry skin, sun damaged skin, and wrinkles.


This is because creams have hydration properties that can make the skin smoother and brighter over time, making it advisable for use for both morning and evening. Meanwhile, serums may have ingredients that can over-exfoliate or dry out the skin.


However, it’s worth noting that serums aren’t entirely harsh, especially when it comes to breast enhancement. That’s because Pueraria Mirifica concentrations in serums are more potent, which means that your body is able to absorb it at a much faster rate.


Hence, using a breast enhancement serum, such as Mirifica Science bust serum, may be more effective than using creams, especially if you just need to focus on a particular spot. You also don’t need to use a lot to see the desired results.


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This is where a Pueraria Mirifica breast enhancement cream or serum can really shine. Not only do you get the aesthetic benefit of having fuller breasts, but it also helps you have smoother skin, improved blood cholesterol levels, and hormonal balance.

This is where a Pueraria Mirifica breast enhancement cream or serum can really shine. Not only do you get the aesthetic benefit of having fuller breasts, but it also helps you have smoother skin, improved blood cholesterol levels, and hormonal balance.


Getting Fuller Breasts is More Accessible Than You Think

Getting Fuller Breasts is More Accessible Than You Think

If you’re looking for ways to enlarge your breasts, you may want to do it the natural way first before going under the knife for breast enlargement surgery. While phytoestrogens and similar solutions can’t boost your bust size to 2 cup sizes bigger, at least you never have to worry about it looking fake.


This is where a Pueraria Mirifica breast enhancement cream or serum can really shine. Not only do you get the aesthetic benefit of having fuller breasts, but it also helps you have smoother skin, improved blood cholesterol levels, and hormonal balance.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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