Breast Enlargement Tablets:
How They Work and What's the Risk

Breast Enlargement Tablets:
How They Work and What's the Risk

Perky, large boobs can make any woman feel like a queen. It’s natural to want to feel desirable and if that will get you to your happy place, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking into your options such as breast enlargement tablets.


However, it’s important that you know what you’re getting into because while these pills do work, they also come with certain risks.


The alternative solution that researchers suggest is to take phytoestrogens. These are estrogen like hormones that are sourced from plants.

The alternative solution that researchers suggest is to take phytoestrogens. These are estrogen like hormones that are sourced from plants.



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These pills work because they contain compounds called phytoestrogens. These are substances that imitate the function of estrogen, except that they are found in plants such as beans, soybeans, Fennel, and Pueraria Mirifica.


They work like estrogen because their chemical structure is quite similar to the estrogen found in the human body.


The alternative solution that researchers suggest is to take phytoestrogens. These are estrogen like hormones that are sourced from plants.


Now, when these tablets are ingested, the phytoestrogens are introduced to the body, which has receptors that function as if the plant compounds are actually estrogen.


As a result, these plant compounds trigger the same effects as the estrogen produced by the endocrine system. This is why phytoestrogens are also called dietary estrogens.



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But What Is Estrogen?

But What Is Estrogen?

Estrogen might be mainly known as the “female hormone” but it’s actually found in both men and women, although the latter do make more of it. It is, however, the hormone that is responsible for female characteristics particularly breast development, which is why many breast enlargement products including tablets and serums will contain some form of estrogen.


There are different types of estrogen. Estrone is the weaker form but can be converted to other forms. Estradiol is the most prevalent form in women who are in their reproductive years, and is usually what is used in hormone therapy. The last type is estriol which helps the body get ready for birth.


Estrogen is not just a reproductive hormone though. It contributes to bone health, cognitive health, and cardiovascular health.


Estrogen, Breast Augmentation, and More Benefits

Estrogen, Breast Augmentation, and More Benefits

In Thailand, phytoestrogens such as those in the roots of P. Mirifica have been used in traditional medicine for over a century primarily to promote rejuvenation.


There’s a good reason why the P. Mirifica plant works for such a purpose. The root has antioxidative potential, allowing your body to fight damage from free-radicals and the stresses of daily living. More importantly, at least for the purpose of breast enlargement, it contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which we already established to be responsible for womanly features.


The science behind the use of estrogen for hormone therapy is well-established. Introducing more estradiol to the body has shown to be effective in increasing breast size. This is why hormone therapy is widely prescribed to those whose are transitioning from male to female and are looking to develop female characteristics, which include breasts.


As for the case of P. Mirifica in particular, a study showed that it may be able to increase cell proliferation in mammary glands.


Preliminary studies indicate that this can be due to how IGF-1 and estradiol communicate, which triggers the whole process. IGF-1, like other growth factors, are the substances that stimulate growth andhealing on a cellular level, which is what you need if you want more tissues on your breast.


Estrogen from plant sources also provides health benefits other than breast augmentation.


Estrogen decreases as a woman ages, and this comes with plenty of uncomfortable symptoms including vaginal dryness. Phytoestrogen sources such as Pueraria Mirifica have been shown to reduce dryness in the area and could even improve signs of atrophy.


Estrogen deficiency is also related to loss of bone density, which aging women also deal with. A study suggests that it may mitigate bone loss related to the condition.


The Problem with Breast Enlargement Tablets

The Problem with Breast Enlargement Tablets

So while these pills do work, there is a glaring problem. There is no standardization in place partly due to poor study designs which made it difficult to determine the ideal dosage for active ingredients.


More studies are needed in order to determine the optimal dose for the desired effect while avoiding unpleasant side effects. This is especially the case with pills that make use of plant-based estrogen, such as in the case of Pueraria Mirifica.


In addition, when you ingest this product, you could be introducing toxins to your body, and the ramifications could be serious. After all, there could be contamination especially if the facilities do not meet the standards of certifying bodies. It is too risky to be ingesting something that you do not know much about.


Furthermore, there is always the possibility of a disruption in your hormonal balance. Remember that phytoestrogens can disrupt your endocrine system, which regulates many bodily functions.


The endocrine system refers to the glands in the body with no ducts or such structures. These include the testes, the ovaries, the thyroid gland, the pancreas, the pituitary glands, and the adrenal glands. Many of the complex functions of the human body are controlled by this system. The glands do this through the secretion of hormones that stabilize the body.


Any disruption, such as the introduction of too many phytoestrogens, can cause dramatic changes in reproduction and development functions. Having too much estradiol, for example, could result to loss of sex drive, depression, acne, or osteoporosis.


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Finally, always consult a medical professional for specific health concerns and before taking supplements especially if you’re taking medication. Your doctor may be able to recommend other options.

Finally, always consult a medical professional for specific health concerns and before taking supplements especially if you’re taking medication. Your doctor may be able to recommend other options.


The Solution: Serum

The Solution: Serum

When you use topical products, the active ingredients are introduced to local tissues. They allow the body to work on estrogen receptors on the targeted area. This helps reduce possible side effects on other areas of the body. As a result, they can be safer, not to mention more cost-effective.


There, are, however, precautionary measures that you have to take. For starters, make sure to seek only certified products. Look for FDA approval for the formula and the facilities used to develop the products.


Track the source of the active ingredients. Some manufacturers, for example work with growers/harvesters approved by the Forestry Department of the Thai Ministry of Agriculture, from which P. Mirifica is sourced.


In the case of phytoestrogens, find out which part of the plant was used to develop the product. Fennel seeds, for example, are used to develop potent fennel supplements, while in the case of P. Mirifica, the root is the part where there is a good concentration of phytoestrogen.


Finally, always consult a medical professional for specific health concerns and before taking supplements especially if you’re taking medication. Your doctor may be able to recommend other options.


You can enhance your breasts without introducing so much the estrogen to your whole body and risking an endocrine disruption, which could happen with some breast enlargement tablets. Start with a safer, and more cost-effective option.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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