Breast Implants Cost of Surgery & Maintenance:
Detailed Breakdown

Breast Implants Cost of Surgery & Maintenance:
Detailed Breakdown

Are you curious about breast implants cost and other related expenses? You need to weigh the benefits versus the cost of the procedure to make a smart decision about it.


According to researchers from Johns Hopkins, it is the most sought after cosmetic medical procedure, tests, and therapies. The other members of the top five include breast implant removal, buttock lifts, facial implants, and dermabrasion.


The two most common types of implants are gel and saline solution implants. Note that gel implants are usually more expensive.


According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), breast implants are generally safe. They have been approved for breast reconstruction surgery.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), breast implants are generally safe. They have been approved for breast reconstruction surgery.



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Satisfaction Rates

Satisfaction Rates

91% of women who have had this type of cosmetic surgery say that they are very satisfied about its results. That is a pretty high satisfaction rate compared to other procedures.


98.7% of women on the other hand are willing to repeat the procedure if necessary. And then more than 66% of these women felt that the quality of their lives has improved post-surgery.


Yes, breast implants cost is pretty steep but the outlook is very positive with high satisfaction rates.



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How Safe is Getting Breast Implants?

How Safe is Getting Breast Implants?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), breast implants are generally safe. They have been approved for breast reconstruction surgery.


This means they can be used for women who suffered trauma or corrective surgery for developmental defects.


They are also FDA approved for increasing the breast sizes of women. They have are also approved for use to correct or improve the results of previous surgeries.


How Much Does a Breast Augmentation Procedure Cost?

How Much Does a Breast Augmentation Procedure Cost?

If you’re interested in getting breast augmentation, one of the details that you will want to cover is the cost of the procedure. It may sound like a very simple question but you will find that there are a lot of different answers and estimates.


The varying prices and costs is due to the many different factors involved when a breast implant cost is computed. However, the short answer (i.e. ballpark estimated range) is anywhere from $3,500 to $10,000 per procedure.


Note that some of the factors that affect the costs of these medical procedures may include:


  • The type of breast implant
  • How much the clinic charges
  • The location
  • Doctor’s fees


Note that the cost estimates that we provide here are usually just for the implant procedure itself. It does not cover the cost for other related medical expenses like prior checkups, tests, post-operative care, and succeeding operations and medical appointments.


According to a 2017 survey furnished by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery, the cost of a gel breast implant in the USA is around $4,000.


However, saline implants are a bit more affordable. This type of implant procedure will cost you around $3,500.


Note that the actual plastic surgeons that perform these operations have a slightly different estimate. Of course, they are speaking from their own experience and the actual amounts that they charge to their clients.


According to a 2017 survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of getting a breast implant is around $3,700. This amount is both for saline solution implants and gel as well.


Other Costs That You May Not Be Aware Of

Other Costs That You May Not Be Aware Of

Remember that a breast enhancement procedure or a breast implant surgery is not a one-time thing. In fact, the FDA itself tells us that the implants used in these procedures are not lifetime devices.


They also say that the longer you have implants in your breasts, the more likely it will be that you will have to undergo more surgery.


The other factors that come into play as far as the cost is concerned include:


  • Fees from anesthesiologists
  • Surgery center fees
  • Consultation fees
  • Plastic surgeon professional fees
  • Extra cost for larger sized implants


Further Operative Procedures

Further Operative Procedures

The serviceable life of the implants themselves will vary from person to person. That means there will come a time in the future that you will have to get the implants removed or replaced.


However, the FDA also clarifies that the serviceable life of the implants will vary from one person to the next. That means no one can tell you exactly how long they will last.


Your doctor or surgeon who performed the cosmetic operation can give you an estimate.


So, how much will these follow up operations cost? A good estimate will be the same as the original amount that you paid for your first one.


MRI Scans

MRI Scans

Another cost that you will have to incur before and after the actual breast enhancement procedure are MRI scans. Remember that when considering the actual breast implant cost, you should also factor into your calculations the essential maintenance costs.


Consider them as the long-term costs that you will have to pay for the lifetime of the implants that you got during your first enhancement procedure.


An MRI (or magnetic resonance imaging) is an efficient tool if you want to check the condition of your breast implants.


The FDA recommends that patients should get an MRI three years after they have their first breast augmentation or enhancement. After that, you need to get an MRI every two years hence.


The next question is how much is an MRI in case you will need one prior to the breast augmentation or even after. The amount you have to pay will vary as well usually anywhere from $900 to $4,000.


The cost will depend on the part of the body that needs to be scanned. Since the breasts are located centrally on the torso, expect the cost for an MRI to be on the more expensive end of the aforementioned price range.


MRIs will vary in cost as well since there are also several different factors that may come into play when it comes to the cost of this procedure. According to one estimate, the cost of an MRI will range anywhere from $400 to around $1,500—this was back in 2017.


Current estimates show a slight change in the cost though it isn’t really that far as estimates can go. A 2019 estimate shows that the average cost of an MRI is around $2,600.


However, don’t be surprised to find that there are some clinics who will charge you as low as $400 for a single scan. Another researcher also gives the same estimated cost of an MRI scan but also estimates the minimum cost to range anywhere from $400 to $600.


You should factor that in your decision when you try to estimate breast implants cost. Expect that you might be spending as much as $12,000 for the initial breast augmentation procedure alone.


When Do I Need an MRI for Breast Implant Maintenance?

When Do I Need an MRI for Breast Implant Maintenance?

The next question is how do you know when you’re going to need an MRI scan? Note that even though medical experts estimate that the risk for complications for breast augmentations is very low, it will always be safe to assume that you will need maintenance checkups any time.


They can rupture any time. Note that doctors won’t give you a set time period when you need to replace implants though some may recommend a routine replacement within 10 to 15 years.


Your doctor will be careful enough to do follow-up checkups on you just to make sure that everything is going smoothly. An MRI will be necessary if your doctor suspects any of the following or if you have any of the symptoms below:


  • Nipple/breast sensation changes
  • Poor cosmetic outcome
  • Breast pain
  • Seroma
  • Hematoma
  • Implant deflation or leak
  • Asymmetry issues
  • Implant malposition or displacement
  • Scarring
  • Infection


Long Term Cost Estimates

Long Term Cost Estimates

Another thing that you should keep in mind when considering the expenses that you will incur for breast augmentation are the long-term cost.


When you compute the cost of this type of cosmetic procedure, you should factor in the following:


  • Initial checkups and tests prior to breast augmentation
  • The actual breast implants cost
  • Cost of MRI and other maintenance costs


Remember that the maintenance costs will be part of the long-term estimates. Experts and researchers say that you should expect breast implants to last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.


Note that every year throughout that 2 decade time period that you will be spending money on MRIs and other essential post-treatment care.


That means you should expect to shoulder around $2,000 to $3,000 for MRIs and other expenses.


So, considering the total of 20 year lifetime of breast implants, how much are we looking to spend for the coming two decades? The answer will vary depending on the type of breast implant you have opted for.


If you’re using saline solution implants, then given the numbers we have provided above, you should expect your long-term costs to go as high as $10,000 to #13,000.


What about gel implants? Given the cost of gel implants plus the other fees and maintenance costs we have enumerated, we estimate the long-term costs to be anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.


Breast Implants Cost in Other Countries

Breast Implants Cost in Other Countries

Some people have found that they can save a significant amount of money when they had their initial procedure performed in other countries. Here are the costs of breast implants in other countries and territories:


  • $8,000 to $10,000 in Canada
  • £3,500 to £8,000 in the UK
  • $3,000-6,000 in Thailand
  • $4,200 in India
  • $3,600 in South Korea
  • $4,100 in Poland
  • $2,800 in Mexico
  • $4,800 in Turkey


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Experts and researchers say that you should expect breast implants to last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.

Experts and researchers say that you should expect breast implants to last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.


Better and Natural Options

Better and Natural Options

As you can see, breast implants cost a lot of money and it may also imply certain risks. The good news is that there are more affordable solutions that are also natural and carries less risk.


One good alternative option is to use topical phytoestrogen serums and creams. The type of serum or cream product that we recommend is the one that contains Pueraria Mirifica, which has been found to be beneficial for natural breast enhancement.


This option is less invasive, which means you don’t need to go under the knife. If you want to avoid the high breast implants cost, then we recommend that you try the Mirifica Science bust serum for an all-natural enhancement solution.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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