Gummy Bear Implants:
The Best Kind of Breast Enlargement?

Gummy Bear Implants:
The Best Kind of Breast Enlargement?

Are you interested in breast enlargement? Then you’ve probably considered breast implants to achieve what you want. You might have read up on saline implants or silicone gel implants. But have you heard about gummy bear implants?


The FDA screens and reviews products and medical procedures before allowing Gummy Bear Implants to be put on the market, therefore, any medical procedure or treatment is safe.

The FDA screens and reviews products and medical procedures before allowing Gummy Bear Implants to be put on the market, therefore, any medical procedure or treatment is safe.



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Table of Contents

What are Gummy Bear Implants?

What are Gummy Bear Implants?

Because we’re sure you’re dying to know—no, the implants are not made up of gummy bears. Nor are they gummy bear-shaped.


Gummy bear implants are a type of silicone gel-based implant. They’re a newer kind of silicone implants introduced to the market in the mid-2000s. They’re also known as the “5th generation” silicone implants.


They’re nicknamed “gummy bear” because the implants have a similar firmness to gummy bears. This is due to the use of highly cohesive silicone filler. Older generation silicone gel implants have a looser, runnier structure. And of course, saline implants use a saltwater solution. Gummy bear implants still have the soft texture you’d want in an implant. Aside from that, they also having the stability that the other options don’t have.



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Are Gummy Bear Implants Safe?

Are Gummy Bear Implants Safe?

Yes. The FDA screens and reviews products and medical procedures before allowing them to be put on the market.


As was mentioned, breast implants in general have been in the market since the mid-2000s. And gummy bear implants use a type of silicone implants that are stronger than ordinary silicone or saline implants.


Of course, that’s not to say that breast implants are completely safe. Breast implants also come with their own risks—but that’s true of any medical procedure or treatment.


What Makes Gummy Bear Implants Better or Different than Traditional Implants?

What Makes Gummy Bear Implants Better or Different than Traditional Implants?

There are two common type of implants used in breast surgery. They are saline implants and silicone implants.


Saline implants have a silicone shell filled with a saline or saltwater solution. They’re incredibly soft to the touch. However, they’re the least durable among the options and are more prone to rupturing or leaking. They also cause a “rippling” effect to the skin of the breasts because of how the liquid saline moves.


Silicone implants have a silicone shell and silicone gel filling. Silicone implants address the durability issues of saline implants, and are generally stronger and less prone to bursting. But because of this, traditional silicone implants leave breasts with an unnatural feeling of hardness or stiffness.


Gummy bear implants are also made of silicone. They’re a step-up from traditional silicone implants. Even though they also have a silicone shell and silicone gel filling, the silicone used is more fluid yet still durable. As a result, gummy bear implants have a natural softness that traditional silicone implants don’t.


Gummy bear implants also hold their shape, even if they’ve started to leak. This means breasts with these implants won’t have any unflattering lumps prior to correction or reimplantation.


Can Anybody Get Gummy Bear Implants?

Can Anybody Get Gummy Bear Implants?

No. Different surgeons have different criteria for suitable breast augmentation candidates, but in general, they look for candidates who are:


  • In reasonably good physical and mental health
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not ill or currently fighting a disease or infection
  • Cleared for breast cancer with a normal mammogram


Some surgeons exclude candidates who are currently smoking (they might ask you to stop for at least a month before the surgery). Some might also ask for psychological counseling first, in case the candidate has mental problems that makes them have a negative self-image.


What are the Risks and Possible Complications of Breast Implants?

What are the Risks and Possible Complications of Breast Implants?

Gummy bear implants are considered safe, but they still carry quite a few complications and risks. These include:


  • Scarring at the incision site
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Rupturing or leaking of the implants
  • Rupturing or leaking of the implants
  • Wrinkling of the breasts


Some patients have also experienced severe nausea and vomiting from the anesthesia. Others might also experience back pain, possibly due to the new weight added to the breasts.


The FDA also found a link between implants and breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, a rare type of cancer.


Because of possible nipple sensation changes, some women who have undergone breast augmentation found difficulties during breastfeeding.


All breast implants carry a risk of rotating. This won’t be a problem with circular implants such as saline or traditional silicone, but rotation will be more noticeable with the teardrop-shaped gummy bear implants.


How Much Do They Cost?

How Much Do They Cost?

Surgical breast augmentation procedures in general are pricey. As an estimate, breast augmentation prices in 2019 ranged anywhere from $6,000 to $12,000.


Why the wide range in price? It depends on the surgeon, the complexity of the procedure, and even the state where you’ll be having the surgery.


You can definitely find a surgeon and a clinic that offers breast implants at a lower price than $6,000. In fact, the average cost of breast implants in 2019 is around $3,947.


Because of the high price point, many surgeons and clinics offer payment plans for their procedures. This makes it a little bit easier since you won’t have to shell out thousands of dollars all in one go.


What are the Pros and Cons of These Implants?

What are the Pros and Cons of These Implants?

Seeing the pros and cons laid out will help you gauge whether something is worth it. Here are the pros of gummy bear implants:


  • More durable than normal silicone or saline implants
  • Has a unique “teardrop” shape when implanted, giving a natural-looking droop and fullness on the bottom of the breasts
  • Holds their shape well over time
  • Leaves breasts soft to touch, almost natural in feel
  • Is less prone to leakage and rupture


And here are the cons:


  • Leaks, if they do happen, are harder to detect because gummy bear implants hold their shape so well
  • Gummy bear implants are more noticeable when they rotate because of the teardrop shape
  • Doesn’t last forever; implants generally have to be replaced after an average of 10 years
  • You must have regular MRI screenings to see if the implants are still intact
  • Doesn’t correct sagging breasts
  • Steep price point
  • Carries quite a number of risks and complications, even cancer


What are the Things to Ask Yourself before Getting Breast Implants?

What are the Things to Ask Yourself before Getting Breast Implants?

Because of the impressive results, breast implants are the coveted option for breast augmentation. Still, breast implants aren’t for everyone. Before getting implants, ask yourself these questions:


  1. Do you also want to fix sagging breasts?

    Breast implants do not fix sagging breasts. In fact, the added weight of the implants might make them sag a bit more. If your primary concern is sagging breasts, look for other options that’ll address this issue.

  2. Do you want fullness to the upper part of the breasts?

    The teardrop shape of gummy bear implants makes them desirable if you want fullness to the bottom of the breasts, but if you want fullness on the upper part, you might need to look for other options.

  3. Are you looking for a one-time answer to breast augmentation?

    Then breast implants isn’t for you. While they last for a long time—gummy bear implants more so—they don’t last for a lifetime. They will need to be replaced and you’ll have to undergo a reimplant at some point. If you’re not willing to stick to that kind of maintenance, it’ll be better to forego getting implants.

  4. Are you willing to accept some lifestyle changes?

    Some surgeons ask smokers to stop at least a month before undergoing surgery. This might not be easy for some.

    Maintaining a normal weight is also advised, as sudden weight gain or loss could alter the look of your breasts even post-surgery.

    If you think you can’t handle that kind of commitment, try to look for other alternatives.

  5. Is your surgeon a reputable one?

    Because of the high price point, there are a few surgeons and clinics that offer breast augmentation at a significantly lower cost. We highly caution you against going for a procedure with this kind of practice.

    You can find accounts of horror stories about women opting to go for the wrong surgeon or clinic. Often these are surgeons offering breast augmentation at a cheaper price, which might look appealing at first, but might come at a higher, more valuable cost later.

    Before committing to the surgery, make sure your surgeon is an accredited plastic surgeon within your state and country. Same goes for the clinic where the surgeon operates in. Try to look into their other patients and try to ask if they could share their breast augmentation experience with the surgeon before, during, and after the procedure.

  6. Are you okay with being out of commission for at least a couple of weeks?

    Breast augmentation is major surgery. You’ll be lying on an operation table with the surgeon having to slice into your skin, fat, and muscle tissue. The post-op care won’t let you do any heavy lifting or activity for at least two weeks afterwards, such as working out or raising your arms. Doing so could risk the stitches and the wound opening up. If this simply isn’t an option for you, try to look for an alternative.


Are there Any Alternatives to Gummy Bear Implants?

Are there Any Alternatives to Gummy Bear Implants?

Breast implants are a lifetime commitment. You’ll need to have regular checkups as well as reimplantation surgery if you want to continue having your augmented breasts. For some people, this is a minor inconvenience. For most, however, this might seem like a deal breaker.


Luckily, there are other options for breast augmentation and enhancement. Some will be as temporary as your next dress change, but some can last you for at most 2 years.


The most inexpensive and risk-free alternative are silicone inserts and push-up bras. You can think of them as breast implants without the implants. You use silicone gel pads and insert them in your bra and under your breasts. Push-up bras have built-in silicone or foam pads that push the breasts up and towards the middle, creating the illusion of lift and fullness. They will provide the lift and cleavage you want – until you take your clothes off.


One other option are breast enhancement treatments, such as CACI and breast pumps. These use devices that massage or superficially manipulate the breast tissues to achieve bigger or fuller breasts. Typically, you’ll need to use the device religiously for a lengthy period before achieving results. And while they’re not as pricey as breast surgery, they’re still expensive.


Another, more viable option are breast enhancement serums. More potent than lotions and creams, serums are the product of choice by dermatologists. They provide more of the active ingredients than fillers and stabilizers found in other topical preparations.


You can find many formulations of breast enhancement serums. Almost all of them are made from phytoestrogens, or plant-derived chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. If you don’t already know, estrogen is a major hormone that regulates breast growth and development. The more estrogen you have, the more stimulation and growth your breast tissues will have.


Your body already produces estrogen, but amounts vary from person to person. One way to boost it is by the use of plant-based estrogens.


There are many sources of phytoestrogens. Soy beans, licorice, turmeric, and flax seeds have them. But the one with the most abundant phytoestrogens is a root called Pueraria mirifica.


Pueraria mirifica has been used for centuries in Thailand for its restorative and rejuvenating properties. They drink it as tea, so they can reap the benefits throughout their body.


But if you want a more targeted approach, a serum with Pueraria mirifica is your best bet. You simply have to massage the serum to your breastand wait for a few weeks to see results.


Pueraria mirifica can enhance the look of your breasts because it greatly increases your skin’s elasticity. If you improve the elasticity of the skin on your breasts, you’ll have tighter, firmer, fuller-looking breasts. This means Pueraria mirifica serums can provide lift and volume, albeit not to the same degree as that of breast surgery.


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If you want a more targeted approach, a serum with Pueraria mirifica is your best bet. You simply have to massage the serum to your breasts and wait for a few weeks to see results.

If you want a more targeted approach, a serum with Pueraria mirifica is your best bet. You simply have to massage the serum to your breasts and wait for a few weeks to see results.




Breast enhancement has come a long way. From push-up bras, gel inserts, implants, and pills and topicals, you have a lot to choose from.


But which one should you get? Should you go all out with gummy bear implants or stay safe with a push-up bra? Should you get an expensive device or get a more affordable yet still effective Pueraria mirifica serum? Do your research, weigh the pros and cons, and choose wisely.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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