Natural Breast Augmentation
Methods and Their Effectiveness Reviewed
Natural Breast Augmentation
Methods and Their Effectiveness Reviewed
The pressure on women to always look their best has led to more and more of them choosing to undergo breast augmentation surgery. But the risks involved with these procedures have also fueled growing interest in natural breast augmentation methods.
It is an accepted fact that a lot of women feel insecure about their breast size, which has led to the growing popularity of breast augmentation surgeries. A study showed that, as of 2017, the number of these procedures being performed has more than tripled from 1997 numbers.
However, the downside of breast implants is that they are not designed to last forever. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average life of implants is around a decade, although the possibility of a rupture increases by one percent annually.
This means that at some point in the future, a woman who has undergone a “boob job” may need to have her implants removed or replaced. In fact, plastic surgeons admit that patients have to understand that additional surgeries will likely be needed to maintain the breasts’ desired appearance.
Given this reality, many women are understandably looking for alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. In this article, we will discuss some of the natural alternatives for women who want larger breasts without having to turn to implants.
Autologous breast augmentation procedure is being hyped as being a “natural” option because it uses body fat to enhance the breasts rather than silicone implants.
Autologous breast augmentation procedure is being hyped as being a “natural” option because it uses body fat to enhance the breasts rather than silicone implants.
Table of Contents
- 2. Why Natural Vasodilators?
- 3. Blood Flow Supporting Foods
- Cayenne Pepper and Chili
- Citrus Fruits
- Dark Chocolate and Raw Caca
- Ginger
- Black Ginger
- Garlic
- Watermelon
- Tea
- Pomegranate
- Walnuts, Pistachios, Peanuts and Most Other Nuts
- Red Wine and Grapes
- Beetroot
- Spinach
- Raw Honey
- Kale
- Shrimp
Autologous Breast Augmentation
Autologous Breast Augmentation
This procedure is being hyped as being a “natural” option because it uses body fat to enhance the breasts rather than silicone implants. Autologous breast augmentation involves using liposuction to remove fat from other parts of the body using liposuction, which is used to enhance or augment the breast.
The fat is implanted in the breast using a small incision. A study of 100 patients who had undergone the procedure found that, after the operation, the women enjoyed significant improvement in breast shape and size, and the breasts appeared natural and soft.
However, there are a number of complications associated with this procedure, including:
- Death (necrosis) of the fat cells
- Cystic lesions
- Hypersensitive breasts and itchy nipples
- Microcalcification (small deposits of calcium within the breast) which led to certain women being falsely classified as “highly suspected” for breast cancer after they had mammograms.
In addition, the cost of the procedure is substantially higher than traditional breast augmentation surgery. Some of the reasons for this are:
- The liposuction used to harvest the fat is treated as a procedure in itself.
- Multiple procedures may be required if the implanted fat does not survive. In addition, the desired results may not be achieved, thus requiring further surgery.
- The more fat is transplanted, the more preparation required, which would increase the cost of the procedure.
Your surgeon may also require you to undertake a tissue expansion procedure to improve your results. This procedure involves growing extra skin that will be used in the enhancement/reconstruction process.
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The BRAVA System
The BRAVA System
This non-surgical breast enhancement system encourages the growth of soft tissue by using an external vacuum-based device. While there are some studies that support its effectiveness, there are others that point out unwanted side effects.
The Brava system consists of two domes worn over the breasts, with silicone gel rims to create a tight seal. A microcomputer (called a SmartBox) is attached to the device and creates a light vacuum.
The vacuum creates tension that stimulates breast tissue to encourage the growth of new tissue. The system claims that this will cause breast size to slowly increase by a minimum half-cup to as much as two cup sizes more.
The device is worn for ten hours a day for ten weeks. To keep it in place an included sports bra is worn over it.
In addition to regulating the vacuum inside the domes, the SmartBox also tracks your progress by recording breast size changes. This allows you to monitor how effectively the BRAVA is working for you.
Some surgeons who have used the BRAVA to achieve breast symmetry after a patient has undergone breast reconstruction have reported satisfactory results. On the other hand, there have been other studies that reported that some patients using BRAVA reported serious skin lesions that required discontinuing its use.
There were also some problems reported with patient compliance. Many women were unable to complete the lengthy regimen because of the many other demands on their time.
Other women reported flaws in the device, such as the seal not working properly or the vacuum device not creating the desired pressure. As a result of these failures, some women were required to wear the BRAVA for another two weeks, making compliance even harder.
Breast Augmentation Exercises
Breast Augmentation Exercises
This is one of the more popular breast enhancement methods for women who can’t afford, or don’t want to undergo, surgery. However, these exercises will not really make your breasts bigger but will only make them look bigger.
The basic principle behind these exercises is that they develop the woman’s pectoral muscles, as well as the muscles in her shoulder and back. This not only makes your breasts look perkier, but also improves your posture, which makes them stand out even more.
The pectoralis major are fan shaped muscles that lie directly below a woman’s breasts. Just above the pectroalis major are the pectoralis minor, smaller muscles that are found in the upper chest.
Chest exercises are designed to work these muscles, which are often neglected by women when they work out. There are many benefits you can get from these exercises other than breast enhancement and better posture, including:
- Making it easier to breathe. By improving your posture, it is easier for you to take deeper breaths. This helps to improve oxygenation to your muscles.
- Improving your upper body strength. This makes it easier to perform physical activities such as lifting heavy objects and pushing against heavy doors.
Hence, even if these exercises will not actually make your breasts bigger, you should still do them as part of an overall fitness workout program. Just remember to keep your expectations as to the results you’re going to get reasonable.
Using Phytoestrogens
Using Phytoestrogens
Estrogen is a sex hormone found in women. It is responsible for reproduction and female sex characteristics.
When a girl reaches puberty, estrogen brings about physical changes that indicate she is maturing into womanhood. These include growth of the breasts, the start of the menstrual cycle and growth of underarm and pubic hair.
It has long been known that increasing levels of estrogen in the body can make your breasts grow bigger. This was a side effect that was noted in studies of breast size in relation to oral contraceptive use and endogenous hormone levels.
This effect has led researchers to explore increasing estrogen levels in women as a safer alternative to breast implants. In one study, women were given estradiol polyphosphate, which resulted in a significant increase in breast size after six months.
However, having estrogen levels that are too high can also increase the risk for developing breast cancer. Fortunately, there is a safer alternative in phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens are plant-based substances that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. They do this by attaching to estrogen receptors to produce the desired outcome.
Phytoestrogens are commonly found in plants such as soy, flaxseed, alfalfa, fennel and red clover. But there are also herbs that contain high levels of phytoestrogens, such as Pueraria Mirifica.
Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that is found in Thailand. Traditional Thai medicine has used it to promote rejuvenation and youthfulness in both women and men.
The roots of Pueraria Mirifica are rich in phytoestrogens, which is why it is used in herbal supplements to alleviate menopause symptoms. However, it has also been used in breast enhancement products such as creams or serums.
These products work by applying measured doses of phytoestrogens to the breasts to get the desired effects. At the same time, you are able to avoid undesired side effects of having too much estrogen in your system.
In addition, Pueraria Mirifica has been found to be useful in treating the following conditions:
- Reversing the effects of aging on the skin. Women who have undergone menopause often suffer from estrogen deficiency. Increasing estrogen levels has been shown to significantly delay skin aging.
- In addition, applying estradiol (the most common form of estrogen in women) topically has reversed some of the changes experienced by the skin as you grow older. A study showed that after six months, women with skin aging symptoms who had been treated with estradiol saw a decrease in pore sizes and wrinkle depth as well as a marked improvement in skin firmness and elasticity.
- Improve blood cholesterol levels. A study of post-menopausal women who orally took Pueraria Mirifica in powder form found that they enjoyed a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol and a significant increase in HDL cholesterol.
Pueraria Mirifica is one of the best sources of phytoestrogens, which makes it one of the best ingredients for natural breast enhancement products. Creams and serums with this herb have not only been shown to be effective, but safe as well.
Pueraria Mirifica is one of the best sources of phytoestrogens, which makes it one of the best ingredients for natural breast enhancement products. Creams and serums with this herb have not only been shown to be effective, but safe as well.
Although autologous breast enhancement is the most effective “natural” method discussed, it also has its own risks and complications. The safest way to enhance your breasts is to take Pueraria Mirifica.
Pueraria Mirifica is one of the best sources of phytoestrogens, which makes it one of the best ingredients for natural breast enhancement products. Creams and serums with this herb have not only been shown to be effective, but safe as well.
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