Natural Breast Enlargement Herbs:
11 Botanicals with Proven Action

Natural Breast Enlargement Herbs:
11 Botanicals with Proven Action

Are you looking for natural breast enlargement herbs? The potential benefits that can be obtained from these plants will vary depending on their nutrient profile.


Some herbs and plants may have more beneficial compounds than others. We will go over all of the benefits of these herbs and plants in this short guide.


Here is our list of the 11 best natural breast enlargement herbs:


With so many associated health benefits, Pueraria Mirifica has become the subject of many clinical studies. It is one of the natural breast enlargement herbs that we highly recommend.

With so many associated health benefits, Pueraria Mirifica has become the subject of many clinical studies. It is one of the natural breast enlargement herbs that we highly recommend.



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1. Pueraria Mirifica

1. Pueraria Mirifica

This Thai plant is also known as Kwao Krua Kao, and it grows abundantly in Thailand and Burma. It’s one of the leading natural breast enlargement herbsin the world today.


Pueraria Mirifica is rich in phytoestrogens like as deoxymiroestrol, miroestrol, and others. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens, so they have largely the same estrogen-like effects in the human body.


This herb has a lot of health benefits. Some women take the plant as part of a natural bust enhancing regimen.


Pueraria Mirifica extracts can also be used for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. It can also help treat other symptoms of estrogen deficiency.


The other health benefits of this Thai herb include the following:



With so many associated health benefits, Pueraria Mirifica has become the subject of many clinical studies. It is one of the natural breast enlargement herbs that we highly recommend.



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2. Blessed Thistle

2. Blessed Thistle

A lot of people use blessed thistle to make herbal tea and it is useful for the treatment of everyday aches and pains. It is used as a traditional remedy for the following conditions:

  • Increasing urinary output
  • Diarrhea
  • Bacterial infections
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Cold
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite


The leaves, flowering tops, and stems are used for making tea and other medicinal concoctions. During the middle Ages, people used this herb as a treatment for the bubonic plague.


Back in those days, people called blessed thistle as holy thistle. You can find this herb growing in a lot of countries in the Mediterranean.


Studies suggest that the extracts of this herb may help with bacterial infection. Researchers are also looking into its anti-cancer effects.


Its leaves are similar to those of the dandelion but only a bit hairy. It is also marked by its yellow blossoms.


Today, blessed thistle is considered as one of the most potent natural breast enlargement herbs. It’s also a common ingredient in tonics that may increase the production of breast milk.


A fun fact for last, blessed thistle is one of the ingredients of Benedictine, herbal alcoholic liquor.


3. Dong Quai

3. Dong Quai

Dong quai is a Chinese herb sometimes called female ginseng. It has been used in herbal medicine in countries like Japan, China, and Korea for more than two centuries.


It’s a good source of phytoestrogens which may promote breast growth. There are other potential benefits associated with this herb:



Studies suggest that the extracts from this herb may be a used as treatment for menstrual cramps and to regulate the menstrual cycle in general.


This herb is also believed to be beneficial to menopausal women. Some studies suggest that dong quai extracts can be a potential treatment for hot flashes.


4. Wild Yam

4. Wild Yam

Wild yam is a herb native to some regions of Asia, Mexico, and North America. Both its bulb and roots are used in traditional medicine.


Its key medicinal component is diosgenin, a plant-derived steroid. Note that diosgenin behaves in the same way as steroids that are naturally produced in the human body without the side effects of synthetic compounds.


Apart from its potential as a breast enhancement solution, other health benefits are also associated with this herb’s extracts. Here’s a short list:



5. Saw Palmetto

5. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a type of palmnative to the USA. It is one of the go-to plants for the treatment of urinary problems. But it also offers other health benefits as well.


Its berries are used as part of supplement formulas for a variety of applications including hair loss prevention, hormone balancing, and improving prostate health.


Apart from its potential as one of the natural breast enlargement herbs, here are the other benefits that you can get from using saw palmetto extracts.



6. Kava

6. Kava

Kava is a plant found in many Pacific cultures such as Australia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Vanuatu, and Polynesia. Kava (or kava kava) is the name of both the plant and the tonic made from the plant’s roots.


Kava is often served as cold refreshment well-known for its relaxing properties.


The relaxing feeling you get from kava is due to its mild sedative action. The plant is also known as a mood enhancer.


Medical studies suggest that kava may help with anxiety when taken in small doses.


This herb is able to induce breast enlargement because it increases the body’s prolactin production. It’s mechanism of action is still unknown and more studies need to be done in order to fully understand how it affects breast growth.


7. Hops

7. Hops

We know that hops are used for beer production. However, it’s also a good source of 8-prenylnaringenin, a phytoestrogen similar to estradiol—the estrogen that is most commonly produced by the human body.


That is why we shouldn’t dismiss hops and its by products so easily. However, we can’t recommend that you go all out with it either.


A good idea would be to use hops and its extracts in combination with other natural breast enlargement herbs.


8. Fenugreek

8. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most interesting natural breast enlargement botanicals on our list. It has been used for centuries but modern science has yet to catch up with its actual medicinal benefits.


Apart from its use in alternative medicine, it is also a common ingredient in Asian cuisine. You can find it many dishes in India, for example.


This herb is nutrient-rich, loaded with magnesium, manganese, iron, healthy fats, carbs, protein, and fiber.


Studies suggest that herbal teas made with this herb can help boost milk production.


Some medical studies suggest that taking fenugreek can help control blood sugar levels. Due to its fiber content, it can also help control insulin levels.


9. Fennel Seed

9. Fennel Seed

Fennel has been in use for centuries, primarily as a food source and also as a type of folk cure. Back in the olden times, people gave fennel seeds to nursing mothers to help improve their breast milk production.


At other times, these seeds help to balance the menstrual cycle and also to increase libido. It’s believed that compounds like photoanethole present in fennel seeds are responsible for breast enhancement.


10. Barley

10. Barley

One surprising entry in our list of natural breast enlargement herbs is barley. We all know that barley is used in the production of beer, but it does have other uses as well.


For example, barley has natural estrogenic properties thanks to its phytoestrogen content.


These phytoestrogens help in promoting breast growth and regulating the body’s hormones.


There are natural breast enhancement supplements that make use of barley extract. However, do take note that taking barley extracts alone will not get you the results you are looking for.


It is best used in tandem with other phytoestrogen sources like Pueraria Mirifica.


11. Black Cohosh

11. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a popular supplement when it comes to women’s health. It is a flowering plant native to North America.


Its extracts can help balance the body’s hormone production. Black cohosh is also known to help alleviate menopause symptoms.


Other medical studies also suggest that the extracts from this herb may improve fertility. Some sources reported that black cohosh may help with menstrual cycle regulation, and even decreasing the size of uterine fibroids.


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If you are interested in the best of these herbs, we highly recommend Pueraria Mirifica—especially in the form of premium-quality products like our special Facial and Bust serums!

If you are interested in the best of these herbs, we highly recommend Pueraria Mirifica—especially in the form of premium-quality products like our special Facial and Bust serums!




This completes our list of 11 of the best natural breast enlargement herbs. If you are interested in the best of these herbs, we highly recommend Pueraria Mirifica—especially in the form of premium-quality products like our special Facial and Bust serums!


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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