Pueraria Mirifica: How Long to See Results
on Your Skin, Breasts, and General Health

Pueraria Mirifica: How Long to See Results
on Your Skin, Breasts, and General Health

Product Name: Pueraria Mirifica Supplement by Mirifica Science


Review Date: February 2020


Rating: 5 out of 5


    What We Like:

  • There’s available dosage guideline.
  • It’s easy to take daily.
  • Very effective on the skin.

    What We Did Not Like:

  • Not everyone will notice breast enlargement.
  • Long term consumption can lead to undesirable effects.

Pueraria Mirifica supplements are manufactured and distributed by Mirifica Science. The products are essentially formulated to help women enhance their breasts and reduce menopausal symptoms.

Pueraria Mirifica supplements are manufactured and distributed by Mirifica Science. The products are essentially formulated to help women enhance their breasts and reduce menopausal symptoms.



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With the different uses of Pueraria Mirifica, the average time it takes to see results may differ for the skin, breast, and general health. Some only take weeks while other benefits take months before they are experienced.


Pueraria Mirifica how long to see results may be a concern for you today. This breast enlargement supplement currently flooding the market can help women improve their figure and overall health.



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About the Brand

About the Brand

Pueraria Mirifica supplements are manufactured and distributed by Mirifica Science. The products are essentially formulated to help women enhance their breasts and reduce menopausal symptoms.


Active Ingredient

Active Ingredient

Pueraria Mirifica is a popular plant in which the roots are used for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties. They take the natural supplement to improve their skin, breast, and general health.


Another term for this plant is white kwao krua which originated in Asia as a medicinal herb.


What is Pueraria Mirifica?

What is Pueraria Mirifica?

In Thailand, Pueraria Mirifica is known to provide anti-aging effects for thousands of years. This woody plant grows like a vine and climbs on other trees.


The roots are the most beneficial part of this plant because they contain starch granules with white texture when you split them apart.


On the other hand, it is not FDA-approved for any medical uses. Clinical studies continue to find solid evidence on how effective this natural supplement is.


Pueraria Mirifica roots are rich in plant compounds called phytoestrogens that work like estrogen, a female hormone. There are 17 phytoestrogens in this herb that are categorized as chromenes, coumestans, and isoflavonoids.


The most common among these phytoestrogens are the miroestrol. However, contents may depend on the variety, age, and location of the plant.


For instance, older plants contain more substantial phytoestrogens than the new ones. In fact, some experts say that a 3-year-old Pueraria Mirifica plant may contain the most essential plant compounds.


These plants are usually harvested during summer months because they contain more phytoestrogens than winter and rainy seasons. Aside from the roots, you can also find these healthy compounds in the stems and leaves of the herb.


Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

1. Softens the Skin

1. Softens the Skin

There are claims that Pueraria Mirifica helps the skin stay soft and smooth, especially for aging women. One study mentioned that one of the effects of the herb is smoothing the skin by decreasing wrinkles and other signs of aging.


It’s formulated into skincare products for topical applications to improve skin health due to its postmenopausal and anti-cancer benefits for women.


2. Promotes Breast Enlargement

2. Promotes Breast Enlargement

One of the most common benefits of Pueraria Mirifica is breast enhancement. The herb is known for exhibiting powerful estrogen-like compounds that stimulate breast growth.


Long term supplementation of this herb at higher doses (200 milligrams) can stimulate estrogenic activities and induce mammary gland’s cell proliferation.


On the other hand, results may differ from person to person due to several factors including age and body size. Some women are luckier to experience enhanced breasts after taking the supplement while others may wait for a longer time before visible results take place.


3. Improves General Health

3. Improves General Health

  • Bone Health. Although there’s not enough evidence to prove the benefits of Pueraria Mirifica for bone health, one clinical research has concluded that this herb can improve bone structure in a span of 24 weeks.

    The phytoestrogens are supposed to slow down or stop bone deterioration while preventing osteoporosis. It also has the potential to increase bone formation as well as reduce bone loss, especially for seniors.

  • Heart Health. There are theories that say postmenopausal women slow down the processing of fats which leads to unhealthy fats in the veins and arteries. This decreased ability can cause heart diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

    Good thing there’s a study that shows oral intake of Pueraria Mirifica can improve heart health. In just two months of supplementation, menopausal women can see a significant change in their heart function and processing of fats.

  • Brain Function. Traditionally, people in Thailand take Pueraria Mirifica powder to enhance memory. However, the cognitive effects of the herb are not yet proven by science.

    According to a rat study, this supplement can increase signal strength between neurons. In other words, it has the potential to increase brain function efficiency.

  • Cancer and Tumor. Pueraria Mirifica can reduce tumor development when given before treatment. It can also prevent breast cancer with daily supplementation and a healthy lifestyle.

    The phytoestrogens can kill cancer cells while stopping them from growing in other parts of the body. However, safety trials lack this herb so the effects in preventing cancer are still unknown.


4. Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

4. Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

According to a clinical study, Pueraria Mirifica oral supplements can reduce menopausal symptoms. The patients were given 200 milligrams of the extract for four months, then 200 milligrams every two days.


Some of the menopausal symptoms reduced are irregular periods, skin dryness, sleep disorders, hot flashes, and high cholesterol.


Based on another study, Pueraria Mirifica is also effective in reducing vaginal dryness. In addition to that night sweats and hot flashes can also be reduced by this natural supplement.


Side Effects

Side Effects

  • Potential toxic effects when administered with higher doses.
  • It can be harmful to people with existing conditions.
  • There might be some abnormalities in the blood when taken in substantial amounts.
  • May lead to decreased fertility and reproductive disorders.
  • There’s a possibility to develop endometrial cancer without a doctor’s consultation.


Where to Buy

Where to Buy

Pueraria Mirifica plants such as the roots, stems, and leaves are extracted to produce phytoestrogenic powder that provides similar effects to estrogen.


You can get this supplement from reliable online shops, but ordering pure Pueraria Mirifica powder from your trusted brand like Mirifica Science is important.


Make sure to buy high-quality supplements to enjoy their health benefits as much as possible. Natural supplements with phytoestrogens are best for breast enlargement, menopausal issues, and other common conditions that women experience in their prime years.


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When it comes to Pueraria Mirifica how long to see results, it takes 1-2 weeks to get noticeable results on the skin, 3-6 months of intake for breast size improvement, and a few weeks to several months for general health.

When it comes to Pueraria Mirifica how long to see results, it takes 1-2 weeks to get noticeable results on the skin, 3-6 months of intake for breast size improvement, and a few weeks to several months for general health.


Final Verdict

Final Verdict

Every person will have different time frames in order to notice results due to age, location, and existing conditions. So it’s important to understand how Pueraria Mirifica supplements work and what they can do to your current health status.


When it comes to Pueraria Mirifica how long to see results, it takes 1-2 weeks to get noticeable results on the skin, 3-6 months of intake for breast size improvement, and a few weeks to several months for general health.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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