Pueraria Mirifica Walmart Products:
Are They Worth It?

Pueraria Mirifica Walmart Products:
Are They Worth It?

You might not be familiar with Pueraria Mirifica because there are so many natural health products being touted today. The truth is that Pueraria Mirifica isn’t for everyone. However, once you realize the benefits of this product, you’ll find that it could be a good addition to your daily diet. Pueraria Mirifica is a supplement primarily made for women who are going through a challenging time in their lives.


For top-industry Pueraria Mirifica products, you can check out Mirifica Science and get access to premium-level extracts. This specialty store lets you dig deep when it comes to Pueraria Mirifica extracts and choose between quality products that fit your specific needs.

For top-industry Pueraria Mirifica products, you can check out Mirifica Science and get access to premium-level extracts. This specialty store lets you dig deep when it comes to Pueraria Mirifica extracts and choose between quality products that fit your specific needs.



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Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica

What exactly is Pueraria Mirifica? It’s a new product to the western world, but Pueraria Mirifica is actually old news to Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand. This plant also goes by the name of “Kwao Krua” and is credited for its rejuvenating benefits for the female body.


The roots of the plant are its most useful part. In its natural setting, the roots are harvested and ground up before being consumed as a tea drink. It’s a very laborious process but thanks to the benefits of the plant, many women take the time to prepare it for personal consumption.


Today, however, Pueraria Mirifica is available in more convenient versions. You can get it as a tea or consume it in capsule form for more convenience. Some manufacturers also sell it in powder form so you can just mix a few in your daily protein shake.



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How Does Pueraria Mirifica Work?

How Does Pueraria Mirifica Work?

So what is inside Pueraria Mirifica that makes it an excellent supplement for women? Pueraria Mirifica is rich in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are dietary estrogens – which means that they perform the same function of estrogens but comes from a different source. Specifically, you get phytoestrogens from food such as legumes, fruits, vegetables, and even soy. Unfortunately, most women don’t have enough of these sources in their diet.


Pueraria Mirifica works by being a substantial source of phytoestrogens.


Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

1. Improves the Youthfulness of Skin

1. Improves the Youthfulness of Skin

Online filters are great to keep you looking young – but there’s nothing like reality to boost your confidence. With a good skin care routine, you can help keep your skin clear, soft, and elastic. However, studies show that moisturizers aren’t enough. The introduction of supplements like Pueraria Mirifica can help keep that skin plump and smooth.

Pueraria Mirifica has several benefits addressed to the skin. For one thing, it contributes to skin hydration and could actually increase the elasticity of the skin. When used continuously for a period of six months, phytoestrogens can actually reduce pore sizes and the depth of wrinkles. The combination of all these benefits significantly reduce and delay signs of aging, especially when combined with a good skin care routine.


2. Reduce Signs of Sagging

2. Reduce Signs of Sagging

At some point, gravity wins and breasts starts to lose their plump and firmness. However, the speed of this happening can be delayed by your diet and lifestyle. Specifically, the addition of Pueraria Mirifica in your diet has a substantial effect on size and firmness. This was proven through a study conducted on healthy Japanese females. The research concluded that ingestion of Pueraria Mirifica for 12 weeks straight can significantly improve the tension of the upper breast and the angle of the nipple. This suggests an improvement on the breast’s shape and the reduction of sagging for both sides of the breast.


3. Naturally Increase Breast Size

3. Naturally Increase Breast Size

Many women would like to add a bit of size and plumpness to their breasts. Unfortunately, you might not be willing to take that risk as breast surgery can be dangerous and expensive. Pueraria Mirifica could be the solution to this problem as studies show that consistent use of the supplement can improve your bust. This isn’t really surprising because Pueraria Mirifica is rich in phytoestrogens which perfectly mimic estrogens. If you recall, estrogens are the exact hormones produced by the female body to exaggerate the female characteristics. With more of Pueraria Mirifica in your daily diet, you’ll be able to introduce more “female” characteristics and naturally increase the breast size. In the same study, an increase of a few millimeters of breast size was recorded after six months of consistent use.


4. Anti-Oxidant Properties

4. Anti-Oxidant Properties

Anti-oxidant products aren’t just a trend. A diet high in antioxidants can actually help reduce the risk of different health problems – including cancer. This is why anti-oxidant products like coffee and berries are very popular. In the same way, Pueraria Mirifica has a significant amount of anti-oxidant properties. Don’t be fooled though – this doesn’t mean they’re rich in anti-oxidants because many plants have better levels than Pueraria Mirifica. If you’re going to take this for other reasons though, just know that you’re also benefiting other body parts!


5. Helps Reduce Bone Loss Due to Aging

5. Helps Reduce Bone Loss Due to Aging

Bone loss occurs as women get older. The integrity of the bones depend partly on estrogen production. Once your estrogen levels start to decrease, the bones also start to lose their strength. Fortunately, estrogen can be replicated with the use of phytoestrogens found in Pueraria Mirifica. In an animal study involving phytoestrogens, researchers confirmed the positive effects of phytoestrogens to bone density. Interestingly, the study didn’t just introduce phytoestrogens in the body but specifically used Pueraria Mirifica as the source. Of course, since the study was made on animals – there are still some doubts if the same results will happen if used on humans. The prospect is promising though and with all the other benefits associated with Pueraria Mirifica, there’s nothing wrong with trying!


6. Improve Your Sex Life

6. Improve Your Sex Life

Having problems in the bedroom? The cause could be a lack of estrogen production which can be easily solved by using estrogen products. If you want to keep things simple, however, just add a tablet of Pueraria Mirifica in your daily diet and you should quickly see some improvement in your sex life.

This works because estrogen is responsible for stimulating vaginal lubrication during sex. By extension, it also helps prevent pain during penetration. In fact, there are vaginal creams today based on estrogen. Pueraria Mirifica as a powerful source of phytoestrogen, does exactly the same thing. This isn’t just an intelligent guess though – the benefits of Pueraria Mirifica for vaginal dryness were proven in a study conducted on women who are in the postmenopausal stage.


7. Improve your Blood Cholesterol

7. Improve your Blood Cholesterol

Yes – Pueraria Mirifica comes with benefits beyond those you typically associate with female characteristics. The fact is that it can also help with blood cholesterol levels by increasing the HDL or “good cholesterol” in the body. This study was done on postmenopausal women using a double-blind test with a placebo-controlled group.


8. Help With Estrogen Deficiency

8. Help With Estrogen Deficiency

Finally, there’s the fact that Pueraria Mirifica is packed with phytoestrogens. It’s pretty obvious that it can work as a way to combat estrogen deficiency. If you’re suffering from the following symptoms, then chances are you have estrogen problems and can really benefit from this supplement:

  • You have irregular or even absent periods
  • Your mood shifts quickly
  • You get hot flashes
  • There’s not enough vaginal lubrication, resulting to painful sex
  • You’re prone to UTI
  • You have tender breasts
  • You get headaches and fatigue
  • You have troubles concentrating and experience depression


Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

There’s really no conclusive study about the long-term effects of Pueraria Mirifica in the female body. Since it’s a primary source of phytoestrogen, then the expected side effects are similar with the side effects of naturally-occurring estrogen. This includes weight changes, headache, breast tenderness, and irregular periods.

Right now, Pueraria Mirifica is primarily sold as an oral supplement and there aren’t any guidelines on how to use it. If you have pre-existing health conditions, it’s best to consult your doctor first before adding this to your diet. It’s unknown if Pueraria Mirifica can interact with other medications so a doctor’s advice is crucial in this situation. If you’re healthy and just want that added benefit that comes with the supplement, then adding Pueraria Mirifica in your diet shouldn’t be a problem!


Sources of Pueraria Mirifica

Sources of Pueraria Mirifica

So where can you get Pueraria Mirifica? Walmart offers a wide range of Pueraria Mirifica products that can help you get started. If you want best results, however, it’s better to check sites that exclusively sell Pueraria Mirifica. This way, you’ll be able to get your hands on premium products coming from suppliers who have specialized in the industry. While Walmart is definitely accessible, it’s an all-in-one store catering average products for the average consumer. Unfortunately, “average” is not good enough when it comes to your health.


For top-industry Pueraria Mirifica products, you can check out Mirifica Science and get access to premium-level extracts. This specialty store lets you dig deep when it comes to Pueraria Mirifica extracts and choose between quality products that fit your specific needs.


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Pueraria Mirifica is available in more convenient versions. You can get it as a tea or consume it in capsule form for more convenience. Some manufacturers also sell it in powder form so you can just mix a few in your daily protein shake.

Pueraria Mirifica is available in more convenient versions. You can get it as a tea or consume it in capsule form for more convenience. Some manufacturers also sell it in powder form so you can just mix a few in your daily protein shake.




To wrap it up, Pueraria Mirifica is an excellent supplement if you’re looking to prevent health issues that come from low estrogen levels. It doesn’t matter how old you are – the introduction of phytoestrogens in your body through Pueraria Mirifica can go a long way in offering benefits like better sex life, stronger bones, and perky boobs. Keep in mind though that all these benefits are only possible if you’re getting top quality Pueraria Mirifica from reliable sources.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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