Benefits of HRT for Skin Health:
Are They Worth the Risks?

Benefits of HRT for Skin Health:
Are They Worth the Risks?

You are probably aware of the buzz surrounding the benefits of HRT for skin. An increasing number of menopausal women are looking into the possibility of using hormone replacement therapy or HRT to counter skin aging.


What is HRT? How does it affect the body? How does it affect the skin?


HRT helps control menopausal symptoms by replacing estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones that the body is incapable of producing after menopause.

HRT helps control menopausal symptoms by replacing estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones that the body is incapable of producing after menopause.



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Menopause and Estrogen

Menopause and Estrogen

When you reach menopause, your ovaries produce less hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone.


Lower production of progesterone does not seem to have significant clinical consequences. Estrogen deficiency, however, appears to have certain health consequences that can’t be ignored. In fact, the problems associated with menopause are primarily a result of estrogen deficiency.


Estrogen is recognized as the primary female hormone. It is responsible for the health and growth of the reproductive organs.


The loss of estrogen, however, has more extensive effects on health than most people realize. The loss of estrogen affects a number of body systems, including the reproductive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, excretory, skeletal, and muscular systems.


The decline in estrogen levels is likely to result in the following symptoms:


  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes
  • A decrease in sexual desire
  • Fluctuating moods
  • Sleep problems
  • Night sweats
  • Frequent urination
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of bone density
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease



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Estrogen and the Skin

Estrogen and the Skin

There is continuing research on the effects of reduced estrogen on the different body systems. There is also a mounting interest on the effects of reduced estrogen on the skin.


Estrogen nurtures and protects the skin. A number of clinical studies support the following claims:


  • Estrogen helps the skin to recover quickly from cuts, abrasion, and other forms of injury.
  • It relieves inflammation and reduces the symptoms of psoriasis and other skin disorders.
  • It protects the skin from the damaging effects of excessive exposure to the sun.
  • It prevents skin aging.


Estrogen promotes healthy, young-looking skin. It gives the skin structure, suppleness, and strength. It plays a critical role in developing collagen, a type of protein that gives structure to the bones, ligaments, tendons, and skin.


Estrogen deficiency causes skin aging. It accelerates cutaneous symptoms. Shortly after experiencing menopause, you are likely to notice the rapid onset of age-related skin problems.


As your body produces less estrogen during menopause, your skin is likely to show the following effects:


  • Your skin loses fat, moisture, and elasticity.
  • It sags and thins out.
  • It becomes dry.
  • It loses its suppleness and becomes slack.
  • It loses its youthful glow.
  • It becomes dry and tired-looking, with fine lines, age spots, crow’s feet, and wrinkles.


Menopause and HRT

Menopause and HRT

Menopause can sabotage the quality of life for most women.


Some women go through severe brain fog, sluggishness, extreme mood swings, lack of sleep, and hot flushes so frequently that they find it difficult to remain fully functioning. Their work suffers. Their personal life suffers. Their health suffers.


The symptoms can be quite debilitating. If you are like most women, the symptoms can affect your sense of wellbeing, as well as to your career and social life.


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is receiving a lot of attention for what it can do to counter menopausal symptoms.


HRT helps control menopausal symptoms by replacing estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones that the body is incapable of producing after menopause.


By doing this, HRT helps you become your “normal,” efficient, fully functioning self again.


Benefits of HRT for Skin

Benefits of HRT for Skin

HRT also does the skin a lot of good. As HRT replenishes estrogen, it basically fights the symptoms of dryness, wrinkling, and loss of elasticity that come with menopause.


The following changes in the condition of your skin become apparent:


  • The skin becomes clearer and brighter.
  • It has a better tone and texture.
  • It looks plump, firm, and hydrated.
  • It has fewer wrinkles and fine lines.


HRT and Risks

HRT and Risks

Using HRT obviously has certain advantages. Why then do a lot of women hesitate to use hormone replacement therapy as an intervention?


The indecision seems largely rooted in the belief that using HRT comes with certain health risks. Studies link HRT with the following health conditions:


  • Breast cancer
  • Cancer of the womb
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Blood clots

Are the benefits you gain from HRT worth taking these risks? Some people assert that although the risks are real, they are not exactly significant.


It may be prudent to find out if there are other options available.


Natural Skin Care Products

Natural Skin Care Products

Companies are turning out an increasing number of skincare products that contain natural compounds. They assert that natural products are safer and more effective.


Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant native to certain parts of Southeast Asia – to Thailand and Burma in particular. It is also referred to as White kwao krua, Kwao krua ko, Kao keur, or Thai kudzu.


The people of Thailand have been using the Pueraria Mirifica roots as part of their traditional medicine.


The roots of Pueraria Mirifica contain plant compounds called phytoestrogens. These phytoestrogens (so-called because their effects are similar to those of estrogen) have anti-aging properties and are used to promote youth and rejuvenation.


They also have powerful antioxidant effects that help neutralize the ill effects of free radicals on cells.


Pueraria Mirifica is believed to treat the following conditions:


  • High cholesterol
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low sexual desire
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heat disease
  • Aging Skin


These problems are the exact same problems associated with menopause. These are also the same conditions linked to estrogen deficiency.


The research on the use of Pueraria Mirifica for health conditions is far from extensive. However, the outlook seems promising.


Using products with Pueraria Mirifica appears to provide the following benefits:


  • It helps reduce vaginal dryness and alleviate pain during sexual intercourse.
  • It relieves night sweats and hot flashes.
  • It regulates bone turnover; it slows down bone loss and prevents osteoporosis.
  • It has positive effects on blood cholesterol levels. It reduces LDL (the low-density lipoprotein known as the “bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or the “good” cholesterol).
  • It helps the body metabolize sugar and fats. This helps to control blood sugar and prevent weight gain.
  • It fights the symptoms of skin aging.


Pueraria Mirifica and Skin Aging

Pueraria Mirifica and Skin Aging

Pueraria Mirica promotes skin health and fights aging through its phytoestrogens. These compounds have the same anti-aging effects on the skin as the estrogen hormone.


  • They help the skin tighten and regenerate.
  • They make the skin more supple and youthful-looking.
  • They slow down the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • They help to lighten sunspots.
  • They keep the skin hydrated.


Skin Care Products with Pueraria Mirifica

Skin Care Products with Pueraria Mirifica

You want a safe and effective way to address aging skin.


Using serums with Pueraria Mirifica is a natural, safe, and powerful way to address skin problems. Advantages include the following:


  • You get better and younger-looking skin.
    These serums have phytoestrogen compounds that naturally address the skin problems associated with decreasing estrogen levels, particularly dryness, the persistent appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and loss of skin elasticity.

    The product keeps the skin hydrated, supple, and free from lines and wrinkles.

    It supports the turnover and regeneration of skin cells.

    It boosts collagen.
  • You don’t expose your skin to the inflammation and irritation linked to the use of synthetic products.
    Many products made from synthetic compounds and additives put sensitive skin at risk.

    Older skin tends to be more sensitive. It is easily irritated and prone to inflammation. By using a natural skincare product, you heal the skin while protecting it from tenderness, irritation, and increased sensitivity or reaction.
  • You nourish and “baby” your skin.
    Synthetic products have harsh chemicals that can aggravate skin irritation and breakouts. Natural skin products are gentle on the skin. They repair, nourish, and protect the skin.
  • You use the product without putting your health at risk.
    Some products have chemicals that may adversely affect your health, either over the long term or right away.

    Serums with Pueraria Mirifica are classified as safe, natural, and non-toxic.
  • The body absorbs the product quickly and safely.
    Serums with Pueraria Mirifica are made from safe and natural compounds. They are not likely to irritate the dermis or clog the pores. The natural ingredients act as nutrients which the body tends to absorb efficiently.


HRT and Pueraria Mirifica

HRT and Pueraria Mirifica

HRT and skincare products with Pueraria Mirifica seem to provide the same results when it comes to protecting the skin and fighting the signs of aging.


However, Pueraria Mirifica skincare products have certain significant advantages.


  • You can buy them without a prescription.
  • You don’t need medical supervision.
  • You don’t need to consult with your doctor every so often.
  • You don’t have to face the risks that come with HRT.


As already discussed, HRT is not without its advantages. It IS an effective intervention for addressing menopausal symptoms. However, it is linked to certain risks.


If the symptoms of menopause affect you so severely that you find it difficult to live a normal life, it may be worth your while to use HRT.


If you decide to take this direction, reduce the risk by doing the following:


  • Consult your doctor. Discuss the pros and cons of HRT.
  • Take pelvic exams, mammograms, and other forms of screening he recommends.
  • Take HRT for the right reason.
    It is acceptable if you take it to ease relentless and debilitating menopausal symptoms like mood swings or frequent and severe hot flushes.

    On the other hand, it is more prudent to consider safer options.
  • Take the treatment for only as long as the doctor says is necessary.
    Short-term HRT has benefits that tend to outweigh the risks.
  • Take it at its lowest dosage.
  • Get follow-up care.


If you HRT primarily to fight skin aging and make your skin look good, you may want to reconsider things.


HRT is not a licensed intervention for managing age-related skin problems. You shouldn’t take it just because you want better-looking skin, especially because you CAN have healthier and youthful-looking skin without resorting to HRT.


Use serums with Pueraria Mirifica, and you enjoy benefits of HRT for skin – without HRT and its risks.


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HRT and skincare products with Pueraria Mirifica seem to provide the same results when it comes to protecting the skin and fighting the signs of aging. However, Pueraria Mirifica skincare products have certain significant advantages.

HRT and skincare products with Pueraria Mirifica seem to provide the same results when it comes to protecting the skin and fighting the signs of aging. However, Pueraria Mirifica skincare products have certain significant advantages.




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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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