DIY Face Serum:
Can You Really Make Your Own Facial Serum at Home?

DIY Face Serum:
Can You Really Make Your Own Facial Serum at Home?

You’ve read magazine articles about it. It may have popped up on your social media newsfeed. You are very tempted because you enjoy DIY in general or are curious about being more resourceful.


However, before you do anything rash, think about where the DIY face serum will be placed. It is on a possibly extra sensitive part of your body.


The face is a patch of skin that is often exposed to sunlight. Anything you do to it will have results that everyone can see.  


As a whole, skin is not something you want to experiment with. After all, those working at actual skin labs take several tests before releasing their products.


A better alternative would be the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum. It can be used to not only make your skin look dewy and smoother, but this formula can also protect and nourish it.

A better alternative would be the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum. It can be used to not only make your skin look dewy and smoother, but this formula can also protect and nourish it.



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Do DIY Serums Work?

Do DIY Serums Work?

Before you can answer this question, think about the ingredients suggested online.


Usually, a DIY facial serum is made up of a blend of oils. On the surface, it makes sense. After all, oil can create a certain kind of sheen. It makes your skin look glowy.


But why is it that DIY serums are not great for your skin?


Well, your skin does not absorb these oils. They can only coat your skin. To some extent, it does have some degree of success in preventing the loss of hydration.


So, no matter how tempted you are to create your own either to save money or to see if you can effectively do it, think again.


DIY facial serums only look like they are working, but they do not get deep into your skin. You may need something that your skin can absorb to reach the deeper layers.



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What Is a Better Alternative?

What Is a Better Alternative?

A better alternative would be the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum. It can be used to not only make your skin look dewy and smoother, but this formula can also protect and nourish it.


"This supplement, usually sold in capsules of powder or as a topical cream, is now widely available in the United States. The active compounds in the supplement are known as phytoestrogen. Within the body, they act similarly to the hormone estrogen."

- WebMD

An Overview of Pueraria Mirifica

An Overview of Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is a medicinal plant native to Thailand.


Using it for rejuvenation is nothing new in the country’s folklore medicine. It is often used on aging men and women for more than a century.


The active ingredients in Pueraria Mirifica that make this happen are phytoestrogens. They are plant substances that act as estrogen replacements.


Before these plant substances can be used on people, 17 phytoestrogens have to be isolated using liquid chromatography. These phytoestrogens work as alternatives to hormone therapy.


However, the mixture is very carefully calculated to ensure the best results.


The same thing cannot be said of DIY face serums. While we may try to get the exact measurements, even the ingredients themselves do not target our goals.


Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica

Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica

As an estrogen replacement of sorts, Pueraria Mirifica offers many benefits. However, since you sought out this article to look for skin solutions, let us begin with skin.


Because Pueraria Mirifica Face Serum has been formulated in strict laboratory conditions, it can provide complete skin treatment. Here are the specific skin benefits:


1. Skin hydration

1. Skin hydration

DIY face serums can provide a version of this. The International Journal of Women’s Dermatology recognizes the importance of providing some estrogen supplements after menopause.


Menopause wreaks havoc on the body. It can also cause skin dryness. Pueraria Mirifica Face Serum provides the hydration and lift that the face needs after going through this significant hormonal change.


2. Increased elasticity

2. Increased elasticity

Menopause signals the beginning of faster aging. Aging can result in sagging as the skin loses elasticity. Pueraria Mirifica offers a little boost by increasing skin elasticity.


3. Reduction of wrinkles and pore size

3. Reduction of wrinkles and pore size

Dermatologists have used topical estrogens on the skin of perimenopausal women to see their effects on aging skin.


The treatment is not a one-off thing, either. A particular study went on for six months. 


It tested the skin elasticity and firmness of the skin of its participants. However, they did not stop there.


They also went to check for pore size and wrinkle depth.


After the six-month duration, the participants’ skin decreased pore size and wrinkle depth to 100%. Even those that did not get the complete reverse still managed about 61%, which is still a significant number.


4. Delay signs of skin aging

4. Delay signs of skin aging

The Dermato Endocrinology Journal acknowledges that estrogen can significantly delay skin aging. 


So, you can say that Pueraria Mirifica can help the skin age more slowly than would typically be the case. It has to be stated that while women may battle menopause and skin aging, factors such as genetics and lifestyle must also be considered.


With the above benefits in mind, you can see that Pueraria Mirifica Face Serum can provide you with the intensive skincare that you need.


It starts on the surface, just as DIY face serums do. It first provides a dewy look right from the first few applications.


However, it does not limit itself there.


It also goes further to ensure that your skin cells are well-taken care of to their deepest layers. So, whatever results you get are not fleeting. It is also safe. Just remember to continue following the suggested regimen.


Beyond the Face

Beyond the Face

Pueraria Mirifica provides skincare that goes beyond the face. Focus on the key benefits: improved skin elasticity, hydration, decreased wrinkles and pores, and delayed skin aging.


The above benefits can also be essential in other parts of the body. For example, breasts are considered a “symbol of femininity,” acknowledged by a Japanese journal. The study also discusses that breastfeeding and perimenopause can cause thinning of breasts.


A solution that has been pointed out was the use of Pueraria Mirifica. This variation of the estrogen-replacement herb is not topical, however. Instead, it is ingested.


Food supplements with Pueraria Mirifica are believed to enable women to regain perky breasts. After all, the component increases elasticity and reduces the signs of aging.


Breasts have had to contend with pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, and more as a woman goes through many milestones in life.


While this may not be a facial serum issue, it supports the fact that Pueraria Mirifica is effective in safely improving skin quality overall.


Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum

Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum

With that in mind, you know that the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum provides you with natural phytoestrogen skincare. It means that a laboratory has formulated the right mixture for your skin without you having to do your little scientist turn at home.


It has been tried and tested to provide you with phytoestrogen in a bottle. It has all the benefits of an estrogen replacement, targeting the elasticity and firmness of your skin.


Here are the main benefits offered by the serum:

  • It preserves and restores skin moisture.
  • It decreases the signs of aging by diminishing pore size and wrinkles.
  • It rejuvenates not just aging skin but also damaged skin.
  • It improves skin firmness and elasticity.


While the serum seems to be geared towards women in the perimenopausal or menopausal stages, it can be used by any woman. So, even if you are still young, you can use the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum to preserve and maintain your skin’s moisture, elasticity, and overall health.


You do not have to wait for your skin to start sagging to do anything about it. However, for those who have gone through or are about to go through menopause, the serum provides you with a chance to turn back time.


The best thing about it is that you don’t have to put anything in your body.


The serum is topical. So, you need to only apply it to your face.


The application works well enough because it goes deep into the other layers of skin. As the manufacturers describe it, it is undoubtedly “femininity at a chemical level.”


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Several medical studies have touted the beneficial effects of Fenugreek apart from its potential as natural breast enlarger. Note that these studies aren’t 100% conclusive and a lot of research still needs to be done.

Pueraria Mirifica provides skincare that goes beyond the face. Focus on the key benefits: improved skin elasticity, hydration, decreased wrinkles and pores, and delayed skin aging.





So, should you mix your DIY facial serum? You can still probably do.


However, it would help if you kept in mind that you would not be working in a protected environment. It would help get the mixtures right using tools at home.


The fact that you are reading about facial serums means that you are concerned that you want to keep it in good health. So, it does not make sense to experiment with it.


If you feel like you can create a serum at home with no safety issues, you still have to consider its efficacy. Yes, it can soften your face on the surface, but it will not make any significant changes to your skin.


DIY serums only create a dewy or soft look, but they will not seep through to the deeper layers to make permanent improvements.


If you are going through menopause or perimenopause, it is still best to choose the Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum. It is affordable and has been given great reviews by its users.


The presence of phytoestrogen makes it extra effective in tackling feminine aging. Its effects are deeper and more permanent, making the effects visible and tangible. You can quickly feel softer, firmer, and more elastic skin.


The solution is simple. Ditch the recipe for a DIY face serum and purchase your first bottle of Pueraria Mirifica Facial Serum. You will get results right away.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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