How to Increase Skin Elasticity:
Your DIY Beauty Guide

How to Increase Skin Elasticity:
Your DIY Beauty Guide

Maintaining skin elasticity is one of the primary ways to make your skin look as healthy as possible. If you want to know how to increase skin elasticity, the rest of this article will show you the kind of lifestyle that you should avoid, and what you should follow to get the plump skin that you’re after.


One of the most potent sources of phytoestrogen is Pueraria mirifica, an herb that is endemic to northern Thailand. Natives generally use it for it rejuvenating properties for older women and men, but now, it’s also used in various skincare products to boost skin health.

One of the most potent sources of phytoestrogen is Pueraria mirifica, an herb that is endemic to northern Thailand. Natives generally use it for it rejuvenating properties for older women and men, but now, it’s also used in various skincare products to boost skin health.



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Table of Contents

Why Does the Skin Lose Elasticity?

Why Does the Skin Lose Elasticity?

Soft, firm, and elastic skin are often seen as signs of youth and vitality. Conversely, sagging skin and wrinkles are associated with old age or poor health.


That’s because people’s skin loses collagen and elastin as they grow older. While that’s simply a natural part of life, some unhealthy choices in your youth can readily speed up your skin’s aging process.


Collagen and elastin are proteins that play a huge role in keeping the skin tight and young-looking. When you lose collagen and elastin, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to wrinkles and dryness.


Additionally, because the skin serves as the whole body’s protection against the harshness of the environment, it becomes prone to breakdowns if you fail to take care of it — something that can happen even if you’re relatively young. Gravity isn’t helping, either, so your skin is bound to sag.


Some factors that can make your skin lose its elasticity include:


  • Unhealthy diet
  • Constant stress
  • Lack of skincare routine in harsh climates
  • Air pollution
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Smoking and drinking
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Rapid weight loss


Body changes during perimenopause and menopause are also large contributing factors to worsening skin conditions. This is due to the dramatic decrease in estrogen levels, which is essential in maintaining healthy skin.


Hence, topical estrogens or topical isoflavones (soy-based compounds interact with your body’s estrogen receptors) are typically used to treat aging in menopausal and postmenopausal women. When used consistently, improvements can usually be noticed within 3 to 6 months.



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Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Skin Condition

Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Skin Condition

Although undesirable skin changes are bound to happen with age, the good news is that you can actually do something to slow down the process. Best of all, you don’t even have to spend on expensive and invasive procedures to do so.


In fact, you can start by simply changing a few things in your daily routine. Listed below are 4 simple lifestyle changes that will make your skin look more youthful than your actual age.


1. Adequate Hydration

1. Adequate Hydration

Getting better skin can be as simple as drinking more water. This is because adequate hydration prevents your skin from thinning and sagging.


As a result, water will keep your skin looking plump and healthy. To further improve the effectiveness of water, make sure that you regularly apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated from the outside.


2. Regular Exercise and Healthy Diet

2. Regular Exercise and Healthy Diet

Diet and exercise aren’t only the solutions for getting to a healthy weight. Apparently, they’re also needed to keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.


Exercise increases your blood flow and oxygen intake, which in turn brings more oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Meanwhile, a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E plus omega-3 fatty acids can improve collagen production and protect your skin from the damage inflicted by free radicals.


When your skin has access to more oxygen and nutrients, it’s able to harness what it needs to build healthy skin. Getting a total of 150 minutes of exercise per week usually will suffice.


Recommended food items include fish, nuts, and leafy greens. Green tea is also great as it contains a lot of antioxidants.


Now, you may think that you’re already doing the right thing by eating healthier food options, but if you don’t reduce your intake of sugar, alcohol, and fried foods, your new diet isn’t going to do much. Alcohol, for instance, has dehydrating effects on the skin.


3. Good Sleep Quality

3. Good Sleep Quality

Sleep allows your body to repair the damages that it had incurred during the day. Hence, if you want to have better skin, you must invest in your sleep because that’s the time when your skin is able to repair and recover.


Enough sleep will also prevent your skin from getting those dark circles around your eyes. Regular exercise and other stress prevention techniques can help you fall asleep more easily if you’re having trouble getting your hours in.


4. Sunscreen Application and Sunglasses

4. Sunscreen Application and Sunglasses

Oftentimes, people only wear sunscreen when they’re going for a swim. However, if you care about your skin, it’s better if you apply it regularly instead.


Consistent sun exposure without UV protection is one of the main causes of premature skin aging. If you can, avoid sun exposure between 10AM and 2PM, as these times are when the sun is at its harshest.


Are There Skincare Products That Can Help?

Are There Skincare Products That Can Help?

In addition to switching to healthier habits, you can also rely on skincare products to promote skin elasticity. They don’t even have to be on prescription to get the job done.


The question is what makes certain skincare products effective compared to others? Listed below are a few ingredients that make some products work like magic.


1. Antioxidants

1. Antioxidants

Antioxidants are great at protecting your skin from the free radicals that exist in the immediate environment. It also has the power to block elastase, an enzyme that breaks elastin down.


Products with multiple antioxidants are your best bet in getting the skin that you want. That’s because antioxidants work better in synergy, so the more you have them in your product, the better they’ll be at fighting free radicals.


Vitamins C and E are among the most recommended antioxidants. Together, they bring out each other’s collagen-boosting properties.


2. Retinol and Retinoids

2. Retinol and Retinoids

Retinol is one type of vitamin A. It’s usually an ingredient in over-the-counter skincare items like creams and serums.


The human body typically stops producing elastin during puberty. Fortunately, creams or serums that have retinol can help re-stimulate the production of elastin.


Although retinol can’t compare to the potency of prescription retinoids, topical retinols plus vitamin C can be enough to restore your skin’s elasticity.


Retinoids, on the other hand, can also stimulate the production of collagen. At its worst, the absence of collagen can make the skin feel like old leather.


Hence, elastin, together with collagen, can help make your skin smoother and tighter. Regular use can lead to significant improvements in just a few weeks.


3. Hydroxy Acids

3. Hydroxy Acids

An accumulation of dead skin cells is known to make your skin look bad. Hydroxy acids are capable of exfoliating the skin’s upper layers, thereby removing those wrinkle-producing and old skin cells.


Examples of hydroxy acids are:


  • Alpha hydroxy acid
  • Beta hydroxy acid (Salicylic acid)
  • Poly hydroxy acid


Regular exfoliation will reveal the younger skin underneath. This also encourages new skin to develop evenly and retain softness and firmness.


4. Phytoestrogens

4. Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are compounds that exist in some types of plants. When consumed, they behave like estrogen, hence the namesake (“phyto”, meaning “plant”, or related to plants, plus the hormone “estrogen”).


Oftentimes, estrogen therapy is administered to delay the effects of skin aging in menopausal women. While hormone therapies do work, you typically need the recommendation of your doctor for you to be able to get it.


Fortunately, consuming phytoestrogens presents a natural way to get rid of hormonal imbalances. Though phytoestrogens don’t exactly replace estrogen’s full function, they can at least help your body feel better, the way that estrogen can.


Why Are Phytoestrogens Particularly Helpful?

Why Are Phytoestrogens Particularly Helpful?

Out of all the ingredients in skincare products, phytoestrogens are probably the most beneficial. That’s because they’re small enough to get easily absorbed by the skin, thereby speeding up the skin healing and building process.


One of the most potent sources of phytoestrogen is Pueraria mirifica, an herb that is endemic to northern Thailand. Natives generally use it for it rejuvenating properties for older women and men, but now, it’s also used in various skincare products to boost skin health.


Aside from its hormone balancing properties, it also stimulates your systems to produce more hyaluronic acid. This substance helps the skin maintain its hydration, which makes your skin glow effortlessly.


Phytoestrogens also have anti-inflammatory properties. This doesn’t only reduce skin irritation and inflammation, but it also balances sebum production, all of which can be really helpful when you’re trying to eliminate acne and enhance your skin’s condition.


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Ultimately, learning how to increase your skin elasticity and maintaining your skin’s glow all depends on your lifestyle and the products that you choose to use. If you’re looking for lasting results, Pueraria mirifica products like Mirifica Science skin serum and phytoestrogen-rich foods are sure winners.

Ultimately, learning how to increase your skin elasticity and maintaining your skin’s glow all depends on your lifestyle and the products that you choose to use. If you’re looking for lasting results, Pueraria mirifica products like Mirifica Science skin serum and phytoestrogen-rich foods are sure winners.


Healthy Lifestyle Plus Phytoestrogens Are Key to Firmer Skin

Healthy Lifestyle Plus Phytoestrogens Are Key to Firmer Skin

Improving your skin’s elasticity starts with learning why it begins to sag in the first place. It will then become easier for you to pinpoint which of your habits are contributing to skin damage and avoid them altogether.


This is where healthy lifestyle and phytoestrogens will shine. Because phytoestrogens, particularly Pueraria mirifica, are good at fixing skin issues and hormonal imbalances, not only can you expect better skin conditions, but overall vitality as well.


Ultimately, learning how to increase your skin elasticity and maintaining your skin’s glow all depends on your lifestyle and the products that you choose to use. If you’re looking for lasting results, Pueraria mirifica products like Mirifica Science skin serum and phytoestrogen-rich foods are sure winners.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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