Wrinkle Eraser:
An Instant Solution for your Wrinkles or Just Another Scam?
Wrinkle Eraser:
An Instant Solution for your Wrinkles or Just Another Scam?
There are a few things you have to know about wrinkle eraser before getting one. The dreaded sign of aging like wrinkles has been worrying a lot of women as early as their 30’s.
The decreasing estrogen level on women, as they age, affects the way they look. Our skin layer changes as estrogen levels decrease.
The outer layer of the skin, epidermis becomes thinner. It loses moisture. The second layer, dermis, produces less collagen, which makes our face muscles firm. The skin in our face, stretched by fat, becomes saggy and loose.
To prevent side effects, it is advisable to go for anti-aging products that are nature-based. A natural herb that is used for anti-aging is Pueraria Mirifica or sometimes called Kwao Krua Kao.
To prevent side effects, it is advisable to go for anti-aging products that are nature-based. A natural herb that is used for anti-aging is Pueraria Mirifica or sometimes called Kwao Krua Kao.
Table of Contents
- 2. Why Natural Vasodilators?
- 3. Blood Flow Supporting Foods
- Cayenne Pepper and Chili
- Citrus Fruits
- Dark Chocolate and Raw Caca
- Ginger
- Black Ginger
- Garlic
- Watermelon
- Tea
- Pomegranate
- Walnuts, Pistachios, Peanuts and Most Other Nuts
- Red Wine and Grapes
- Beetroot
- Spinach
- Raw Honey
- Kale
- Shrimp
The Promise of Instant Removal
The Promise of Instant Removal
While it’s too good to be true, many wrinkle erasers have served their purpose well in the shortest time.
Depending on its components, most wrinkle erasers have an immediate rejuvenating effect that removes those annoying lines.
We should understand its effects on our health as a whole.
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Types of Wrinkle Erasers and Their Effects
Types of Wrinkle Erasers and Their Effects
These are typical wrinkle erasers used today.
- Anti-aging Creams
- Fillers
- Face Lift
Anti-Aging Cream
Anti-Aging Cream
Most of these products are filled with chemicals that balance its PH level. While it can be helpful for instant wrinkle removal, these components may contain carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer like monoethanolamine and diethanolamine.
Propylene glycol is an organic component of anti-aging creams used as a carrier or base of this product. Although this ingredient is recognized safe by the Food and Drug Administration, it has potential allergic effects to users and minimal conjunctivitis.
Like many skincare products, anti-aging creams also contain parabens that preserve the life of the product. Parabens are harmful to pregnant women and their infants.
In general, most anti-aging creams are composed of many chemicals that can be harmful to women’s health.
Anti-Aging Cream for Therapy
Topical tretinoin based anti-aging creams are prescribed only by dermatologists. You cannot buy them without a prescription. It is an effective therapeutic application to remove wrinkles. It works by increasing the production of new collagen by stimulating the blood vessels. Even so, it can cause the following:
- Sensitivity to sun exposure
- Irritation
- Redness, swelling, and blisters
As this retinoid therapy is used, it still composes most chemical stated above. Too much application can cause more skin problems.
Wrinkle fillers are injectable substances used to fill in the affected area. It is a good alternative for facelifts. Its effects can last up to more than a year.
There are several substances used as fillers to remove wrinkles.
Hyaluronic Acid
Injectable hyaluronic acid is found in our bodies. When they are used as fillers, they attract water allowing our skin to become more hydrated.
Like many other treatments, injecting hyaluronic acid has its downsides. Injecting this substance can cause bruises, redness, swelling, and tiny lumps on the treated area.
Collagen is sometimes referred to as the fountain of youth. Collagens are fillers that are not extracted from our bodies. They are derived from cows. If you notice ingestible beauty products boasting collagen as their main ingredient, it’s probably because it’s rich in protein that helps smoothening wrinkled skin and preserving joints.
While ingesting collagen helps preserving and enhancing youth, using it as fillers may not work well. It tends to breakdown as early as one month. Probably because it comes from cows and certain allergic reactions show it’s not fit for our body.
Synthetic (Silicones)
These are lab-made artificial fillers. The substances are not found on the skin. Because it’s synthetic, it tends to last longer than other fillers. However, its long-lasting effect may cause serious complications when not performed properly.
Aside from side effects similar to other fillers, it may cause nodules or bumps under the skin.
Fats or Autologous Filler
These are fats or any substance that come from our body. Fats are removed surgically from several parts of the body, treated then injected. Results can be permanent with several more sessions.
Generally, these fillers cause swelling, redness, and bruises. It is important to consult a licensed expert before letting someone inject any substance to your face.
Perhaps, this is one of the fastest ways to remove wrinkles. It has a minimal effect when performed well by a certified surgeon. Its effects are often associated with your body’s healing capability. For smokers, it tends to have more serious complications.
In general, facelift causes scarring, bruises, pain, and swelling.
Natural Way to Remove Wrinkles
Natural Way to Remove Wrinkles
To prevent side effects, it is advisable to go for anti-aging products that are nature-based. A natural herb that is used for anti-aging is Pueraria Mirifica or sometimes called Kwao Krua Kao.
The plant is rich in phytoestrogens. Its active ingredients are miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol.
Generally, these are natural plant hormones with estrogen-like effects when applied.Generally, these are natural plant hormones with estrogen-like effects when applied.
Hormones found in nature are harmless.
Benefits of Phytoestrogens
Benefits of Phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are tested to have estrogen-like effects and can aid aging in the long run. These hormones can help lower the risk of osteoporosis, heart diseases, breast cancer, and menopausal symptoms.
While there are no scientific studies to prove how P. Mirifica is harmful or beneficial to human health, it has long been used in Thailand and Burma since the 13th century for its prolonging youth. This herb has been used for centuries as a rejuvenating herb that promotes youthfulness for both men and women.
One study shows this plant effectively enhanced the breast’s elasticity and volume.
The same process can apply to any part of the skin, such as wrinkles.
Not all women are advised to use this plant. Women under 25 years old, pregnant or nursing mothers, and women diagnosed with tumors must not use this. It is best used for women reaching the menopausal stage.
Pueraria Mirifica should be used with caution with patients with the following diseases:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Mellitus
- Epilepsy
- Migraine
Side Effects of Pueraria Mirifica
Side Effects of Pueraria Mirifica
There were no toxic side effects reported by using products with this component. It is natural and best used as an agent for slowing the aging process.
Pueraria Mirifica has long been used in Thailand and Burma since the 13th century for its prolonging youth. This herb has been used for centuries as a rejuvenating herb that promotes youthfulness for both men and women.
Pueraria Mirifica has long been used in Thailand and Burma since the 13th century for its prolonging youth. This herb has been used for centuries as a rejuvenating herb that promotes youthfulness for both men and women.
Prevention is better than cure. By using natural based anti-aging herbs, we can avoid ourselves from the process of using wrinkle erasers. We can prolong youth most naturally without having to go through the dreaded effects of toxic chemicals and substances.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.