Pueraria Mirifica Before and After Results:
What and When to Expect

Pueraria Mirifica Before and After Results:
What and When to Expect

If you think your breasts could use a little boost, science and nature have a solution for you: non-invasive breast augmentation through phytoestrogens, as suggested by pueraria mirifica before and after results.


Everyone likes to feel desirable, and one of the things that can make you look and feel like it is bigger breasts. Knowing that your breasts look good can instantly make you feel so much better about yourself. Now, the question is, how exactly can Pueraria Mirifica help you with that?


Keep in mind that estrogen is the hormone that is responsible for the body’s female characteristics including breast development. This is why breast enhancement supplements today are starting to make use of this herb as the primary ingredient.

Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the body’s female characteristics, including breast development. This is why breast enhancement supplements are making use of herbs that have estrogen-like effects.



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Just What Is Pueraria Mirifica?

Just What Is Pueraria Mirifica?

Pueraria Mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua Kao, is a plant native to Southeast Asia. It's particularly abundant in Thailand and Myanmar. In fact, Thai women have been using it for over a century as a natural remedy to support their youthfulness and vitality.


There is a good reason why many locals swear by this traditional remedy, even though conventional scientific evidence is limited. In a nutshell, Pueraria Mirifica has astounding potency because it's rich in phytoestrogens.



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What are Phytoestrogens?

What are Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are natural compounds that have a similar action to the body's female hormones estrogens. The main difference is that they are plant-based, hence the name (phyto- means plant in Greek). Phytoestrogens can trigger estrogen-like effects because they can bind to the human body’s estrogen receptors.


For example, Pueraria mirifica contains chromenes, a particular type of phytoestrogens that can match actual estrogen in potency. This is why this herb is considered a natural estrogen replacement solution. As such, it's typically used by women who are dealing with menopausal symptoms.


Keep in mind that estrogen is the hormone that's also responsible for the body’s female characteristics, including breast development. This is why breast enhancement supplements today are starting to include Pueraria Mirifica into their blends as their primary ingredient.


What to Expect When Using P. Mirifica For Breast Enhancement

What to Expect When Using P. Mirifica For Breast Enhancement

To get an idea on how potent this herb can be as a supplement for hormone replacement, it helps to take a look at its active components:


  • Chromenes. As mentioned, this class of phytoestrogens is comparable in potency to actual estrogen. Studies also reported that chromenes also have significant anti-inflammatory properties that could have applications in the development of anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Isoflavones. These are another type of phytochemicals with potent estrogenic properties. Isoflavones can also help in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart issues.
  • Coumestrol. A plant compound from the coumestans group that has been found to interact with estrogen receptors. Some studies claim its estrogenic power is 30 to 100 higher than that of isoflavones.


P. mirifica also contains deoxymiroestrol, isomiroestrol, and miroestrol, which also mimic the action of estrogen.


This chemical profile only highlights how effective this herb can be when used regularly as part of an estrogen-boosting therapy.


A 2016 study also reported this plant may have significant breast-enhancing potential. In the research, breast cell proliferation was observed in the subjects after just four weeks of application.


Science has already established the effects of estrogen and therefore, estrogen-like effects have to be expected when taking Pueraria mirifica.


When Can You Expect Results?

When Can You Expect Results?

Keep in mind that most studies have yet to be replicated in humans, and the available evidence is mostly from lab or animal researches. However, most users of Pueraria mirifica supplements claim that they were able to notice results (like firmer breasts) in just a few week. The studies we mentioned above also seem to indicate that Pueraria mirifica before and after results should be noticeable after about 4 weeks of supplementation.


Nonetheless, it’s important to be patient when going the natural route.


More Things to Expect: Other Health Benefits

More Things to Expect: Other Health Benefits

Relieves Menopausal Symptom

Relieves Menopausal Symptom

For women, menopause is a natural part of aging. This phase is marked by a significant decline in estrogen production. Menopause symptoms manifest in various uncomfortable ways such as hot flashes and night sweats. Pueraria mirifica has been shown to provide relief from these bothersome issues thanks to its phytoestrogenic action.


Another study published in 2007 showed that the herb can help to alleviate vaginal dryness and pain during sex, both of which stem from low estrogen levels.


Stronger Bones

Stronger Bones

Menopause is also associated with osteoporosis (bone weakness). This is because estrogen has an important role in regulating the process of replacing old bone cells with new ones. By supplementing with Kwao Krua Kao, you can support your estrogen levels and keep your bones strong through the decades.


This is backed by a 2016 animal study in which Pueraria mirifica was administered to postmenopausal monkeys for a period of 16 weeks. The results were remarkable: bone loss was significantly slowed. Of course, further studies are needed to confirm the details of this effect in humans.


Healthier Heart

Healthier Heart

Because estrogen is known to regulate cholesterol levels, Pueraria mirifica can also impact heart health. In fact, according to a study published in 2008, this herb can significantly reduce the levels of LDL (low-density lipoproteins) in the bloodstream. LDL is known as the "bad cholesterol" that causes arterial plaque and increases the risk of heart disease.




To prevent negative side effects, it’s recommended to stick to the guidelines set by a 2007 study on Pueraria mirifica. The recommended dosage is 1.6 mg per kg of body weight. So for a 120-lb woman, the ideal dosage would be around 87 mg. Other sources set an even lower threshold, about 25 to 50 mg just to be safe.This dosage is apllicable only to oral forms of Pueraria Mirifica. Topical products can be applied freely without side effects in the vast majority of cases.


Note that women should be careful about taking extremely high oral doses such as 1000 mg per day because doing so can hamper fertility. Such a dosage can disrupt the menstrual cycle.


Side Effects of P. Mirifica

Side Effects of P. Mirifica

The long-term effects of this herb have yet to be studied. However, based on the known action of estrogen, those who are taking this herb should be aware of possible negative effects such as cramps, breast tenderness, and bloating. Women could also experience irregular periods.


None of the studies mentioned here observed significant side effects in their test subjects even after six months of daily use. However, because of the estrogen activity that this herb can trigger, it should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.


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A 2016 study conducted on animals also presented evidence that shows pueraria mirifica indeed can indeed have a significant effect on breast enhancement. In the study, breast cell proliferation was observed in the subjects after just four weeks of application.

A 2016 animal study also reported that Pueraria mirifica may have significant breast-enhancing potential. In the research, breast cell proliferation was observed in the subjects after just four weeks of application.





Kwao krua kao has amazing potency as an estrogen booster and if you want Pueraria mirifica before and after results for your breasts, keep in mind that it carries the same risks and benefits as conventional estrogen replacement therapy. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before taking any Pueraria mirifica supplement.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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