Pueraria Mirifica for Hair Growth:
Action, Dosage, Side Effects

Pueraria Mirifica for Hair Growth:
Action, Dosage, Side Effects

For most women, hair is a permanent crown that boosts confidence, which is why experiencing baldness is a nightmare. Nowadays, women are searching for a solution to this problem and pueraria mirifica for hair growth is becoming more popular than ever.


Unlike using shampoos with harsh chemicals that might put your scalp and hair at risk, using this plant to treat baldness is safer.


It also gives women added benefits other than the assurance of achieving thick and shiny hair.


So where can you find this miraculous herb?


This hair loss remedy is a plant abundant in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand. People also refer to it as “Kwao Krua”.


For years, medical practitioners in Thailand have been using this herb to boost overall health and youthfulness in both men and women. This herb has been distinguished as an effective cure for hair loss in other countries as well.

For years, medical practitioners in Thailand have been using this herb to boost overall health and youthfulness in both men and women. This herb has been distinguished as an effective cure for hair loss in other countries as well.



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How Does It Improve Hair Growth?

How Does It Improve Hair Growth?

It contains a lot of components that make your body much healthier, hair included. Here are some of the things that this herb can do for you:


1. It Protects Hair Follicles From Free Radicals.

1. It Protects Hair Follicles From Free Radicals.

Every day, we get exposed to free radicals from smoke pollution, sun’s rays, industrial chemicals, and radiation. We also get free radicals from our unhealthy diet and hectic lifestyle.


The best thing to fight free radicals are antioxidants which we can find in supplements or from various healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, and herbs.


A study was conducted to prove that this herb from Thailand is rich in antioxidants by observing the liver and uterus in estrogen-deficient mice. Some mice were given the herb's extracts while some mice were given synthetic estrogen supplements.


The study shows that mice who were given the extracts had an increase in their antioxidant levels, while mice who were given synthetic estrogen had zero changes.


Since this herb was proven to have high antioxidant activity, the study shows that it can protect our scalp and hair from free radicals in the environment.



2. It Fights Aging.

2. It Fights Aging.

Isoflavonoid is a compound proven to be effective in combating aging. It’s used as a treatment to prevent wrinkling of the skin as well.


Since the compound is an anti-aging product, it’s also effective in reducing gray hair so you won’t have to dye your hair monthly or constantly pluck white hair.


Isoflavonoids are usually found in soybeans, seafood, meat, and other dairy products but a study shows that this compound is also found in this miraculous herb.


This is good news for people who want to look for other alternative sources of isoflavonoids to have shiny, black hair.


The study even suggests that farmers should cultivate this herb more to produce a sufficient supply of leaves as a stable source of isoflavonoids.


3. It’s Good for the Heart and Blood Circulation.

3. It’s Good for the Heart and Blood Circulation.

Another beneficial component that this herb contains is estrogen which positively affects our metabolism to break fats and sugars in our body.


If we have the right estrogen level in our body, we are guaranteed to have the right amount of good cholesterol and proper weight.


Good cholesterol is important for arteries because it helps prevent plaque blockage. If your arteries are healthy, so is your heart which pumps blood throughout the body.


It’s expected that people with a healthy heart have healthy hair as well. Here’s why:


The root of each hair strand is connected to blood vessels which are nourished with oxygen carried by the blood from the heart. If you have a healthy heart that causes good blood flow in your body, your hair will benefit from the blood circulation, too.


The more blood flows through the blood vessels and reaches your hair follicle, the more oxygen and nutrients your hair will receive, thus, improving hair growth.


In conclusion, this herb which contains high amounts of estrogen can improve blood circulation and robust hair.


4. It Increases Hair Growth During Menopause.

4. It Increases Hair Growth During Menopause.

Unfortunately, pre-menopause in women causes thinning of hair especially in the central part of the head and near the forehead.


This is because the level of estrogen in your body lowers while the level of androgen rises during menopause. This hormonal imbalance that causes hair thinning is what some people refer to as androgenic hair loss.


Luckily, you can fight it with a natural substance called phytoestrogen.


It’s mainly found in plants and plant-based food like chili, soy, wheat, barley, wheat berries, pomegranates, and sesame seeds. They can be added into your diet to help you achieve full, healthy hair.


This herb is also rich in phytoestrogen and has been used by medical practitioners to help menopausal patients since it helps relieve menopausal symptoms with little to no side effects.


Dosage and Treatment

Dosage and Treatment

Many stores are selling this herb in the form of shampoos, supplements, and other products in the market which is why there are so many different dosage and instructions that it’s too confusing.


Every case of hair loss differs in severity. The situation varies from person to person, and so does the dosage.


It’s best to first follow the directions indicated in the product or as provided by the manufacturer instead of asking fellow friends for advice.


This hair loss solution is to be taken long-term and consistently. If you still can’t see signs of improvement, wait for a few weeks before entirely giving up on it.


If there are still no effects, consult with a professional physician who has sufficient experience in traditional medicine.



The Risk for Men

The Risk for Men

Men also suffer from hair loss and need natural alternatives just like women do.


However, since this herb is rich in phytoestrogen, it might cause breast enlargement, which is an undesirable side effect for most men.


A group of male mice was given herb extracts while some mice were given synthetic estrogen. The study concluded that there were no changes in mating efficiency or fertility in both groups.


Although this poses no risks to your health, some men might undergo different changes after using the herb.


Men reported being calmer and more in control of their emotions after usage and others feel more feminine towards fellow males.


Unless you want to be more feminine, it’s best to find other healthy alternatives to cure hair loss.


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When it comes to reproductive organs and fertility, this herb is safe to use and doesn’t have much negative effect on men. This is proven by a study conducted on adult male mice.

When it comes to reproductive organs and fertility, this herb is safe to use and doesn’t have much negative effect on men. This is proven by a study conducted on adult male mice.



Final Words

Final Words

Turning to natural remedies such as pueraria mirifica for hair growth is a holistic way to treat your main hair concern. This herb doesn’t only deal with hair loss but also helps in treating other medical conditions you’re suffering from.


All our products are research-backed. We spend countless hours reading through clinical
studies to make sure our products do exactly what we say they will.


That’s why we assume all the risk and can guarantee you’ll see results. Otherwise, you have a solid 60 days money-back guarantee on your purchase.

Simply put, if our products don’t work for you, just let us know and we’ll refund you everything. No questions asked.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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