Pueraria Mirifica for Men:
Health Benefits and Side Effects to Remember

Pueraria Mirifica for Men:
Health Benefits and Side Effects to Remember

Pueraria mirifica is primarily marketed towards women, and is most often used in treating symptoms of menopause. However, herbals often work for both sexes, so it's a great idea to look into the many uses of Pueraria mirifica for men.


So, how does this plant help improve male health? Does it cause any undesirable effects? Read on and find out how Pueraria mirifica could affect your body.


Numerous studies have shown that phytoestrogens can help prevent osteoporosis and improve cardiovascular health in men.

Numerous studies have shown that phytoestrogens can help prevent osteoporosis and improve cardiovascular health in men.



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What is Pueraria Mirifica?

What is Pueraria Mirifica?

Pueraria mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua Kao (white krua kao), is a woody vine that can usually be found in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia. Thai women have been taking it for way over 100 years for its invigorating and anti-aging properties. Eventually, studies revealed that this effect is based on the plant's phytoestrogenic potential.


Thai people also use Kwao Krua Kao as part of their traditional medicine. They take it to improve sexual performance, flexibility, endurance, and even hair growth. Interestingly, Pueraria Mirifica is often used as a skin moisturizer as well.



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Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

Pueraria Mirifica Benefits

Pueraria mirifica contains active compounds known as phytoestrogens that are responsible for its various health benefits. These chemicals mimic estrogen (especially in terms of their structure), and thus are able to interact with the estrogen receptors in the body.


Numerous studies have shown that phytoestrogens can help prevent osteoporosis and improve cardiovascular health in men.


Several laboratory and animal studies also suggested that phytoestrogens can be used to prevent the growth of cancer cells, support brain health, and improve antioxidant levels.


Let’s dig deeper into Pueraria mirifica’s benefits for men below.


1. Prevents Bone Loss

1. Prevents Bone Loss

Osteoporosis (bone weakness) can stem from hormonal imbalance, not just from lacking calcium or vitamin D. And yes, estrogen deficiency may cause osteoporosis in men, according to research.


A study on estrogen-deficient rats suggests that Pueraria mirifica may help prevent bone loss. Rats that received the highest doses of phytoestrogens had better bone mineral density than the other test subjects.


The said study indicates that, when combined with other anabolic agents, Pueraria mirifica can be used as an anti-osteoporotic agent for patients suffering from bone weakness.


Another study on monkeys suggests that Pueraria mirifica helps maintain the quality and density of bones. Researchers reported that monkeys who received 1000 mg/kg of Kwao Krua Kao powder for 16 months effectively maintained bone quality and density.


While both studies support the plant’s anti-osteoporotic potential, more research is needed to fully understand its effects on humans.



2. Promotes Heart Health

2. Promotes Heart Health

Estrogen plays a role in supporting cardiovascular health. In one study, the risk of heart disease in men has been linked to high testosterone and low estrogen levels.


On this note, Pueraria mirifica’s estrogen-boosting properties could help to promote cardiovascular health by enhancing blood vessel function and improving cholesterol levels.



The plant increased HDL (also known as the “good” cholesterol) in post-menopausal women by 34%. It also reduced LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) in the same group by 17%.


The studies above showed great results. However, more studies involving a larger sample are needed to determine the role of Pueraria mirifica in preventing heart disease.


3. Inhibits the Spread of Cancer

3. Inhibits the Spread of Cancer

Pueraria mirifica may also inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors.


One study in mice revealed Pueraria mirifica’s anti-cancer properties. Researchers found that a specific compound in Kwao Krua Kao known as miroestrol helped suppress cancer-related genes in the test subjects.


In another rat study, researchers discovered that phytoestrogen aids in shielding the body from cancer.


Mice that got injected with genistein, the main phytoestrogen in soy food, developed fewer tumors in the mammary after being exposed to a cancer-causing agent. The tumors also developed later than in the other group.


Although the results of the animal tests are promising, clinical studies are needed to understand the specifics of this plant’s anti-cancer capabilities.


4. Improves Antioxidant Levels

4. Improves Antioxidant Levels

Some phytoestrogens have antioxidant properties, according to several animal studies.


In one animal study, researchers compared the effect of Pueraria mirifica extract and synthetic estrogen on antioxidant-related enzymes in mice. They saw a significant boost in antioxidant levels in mice that received the extract compared to the other group.


The result is yet to be confirmed in human tests.


5. Supports Brain Health

5. Supports Brain Health

Estrogen (and phytoestrogens) may help in protecting the nervous system from damage due to reduced hormone levels.


In one study, mice with estrogen-related mental deficits were given Pueraria mirifica extract. The results indicated a protective effect on the brain cells of that particular group.


In another study, researchers treated estrogen-deficient mice with miroestrol from Pueraria Mirifica.


They found that the mice that received the miroestrol experienced a significant reduction in oxidative stress within the brain tissue. Moreover, they experienced a significant improvement in their mental decline.


As with the other benefits listed so far, despite the promising results of these studies, further research is needed—particularly those involving actual human cases.



Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

Pueraria Mirifica Side Effects

Since Pueraria mirifica is loaded with estrogen, one primary concern about it is its hormone-altering side effect. However, healthy men should not worry about this.


One animal study suggests that long-term oral consumption of this supplement at 10 to 100 mg/kg doses doesn’t affect male fertility. In human terms, taking 1.62 to 16.2 mg/kg of this supplement daily probably won’t have an adverse side effect on the body.


Another study showed that taking 25 to 100 mg of Pueraria mirifica daily is safe for men. Note however, this only applies to healthy men. If you are currently dealing with hormonal imbalance, it's better to stay away from Kwao Krua Kao.


Also, there have been reports of toxic effects on the reproductive and endocrine systems in experimental animals. Likewise, breast enlargement remains a potential (though rare) side effect in men, even at minimal doses.


For best results, always consult a health professional before taking this herbal supplement.


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Even among the male crowd, there are plenty of health benefits to be had from Pueraria mirifica. The phytoestrogen in this plant may help in preventing bone loss, promoting heart health, inhibiting cancer cells, improving antioxidant levels, and supporting brain health.

There are plenty of health benefits in Pueraria mirifica for men. The phytoestrogens in this plant may help in preventing bone loss, promoting heart health, inhibiting cancer cells, improving antioxidant levels, and supporting brain health.



The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

There are plenty of health benefits in Pueraria mirifica for men. The phytoestrogens in this plant may help in preventing bone loss, promoting heart health, inhibiting cancer cells, improving antioxidant levels, and supporting brain health.


As long as you’re healthy, you shouldn’t be worried about the potential side effects—and only a few have been documented so far. All in all, there are indeed uses of Pueraria mirifica for men, and it wouldn’t be surprising to eventually see it being heavily marketed towards the male population as well.


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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