20 Foods for Glowing Skin

20 Foods for Glowing Skin

Everyone wants to have smooth, silky, glowing skin.


But… What does that mean in the first place?


What exactly makes the skin healthy and beautiful?


In general, it seems to boil down to just a few essential points:


  • Getting enough vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients from your diet*
  • Having healthy hormonal balance (with estrogens being the primary focus for women)*
  • Supporting blood flow to the skin*
  • Following a consistent skincare routine with enough moisturizing, UV-protection, exfoliation, and cleansing*


All of these components are important, but if you’d have to pick just ONE of them to focus on, we would say your diet would probably make the most difference!*


Everything you eat is reflected on your skin’s health and beauty. The right foods may help to slow down skin damage, promote skin regeneration, and support that glowing look everyone loves*

Everything you eat is reflected on your skin’s health and beauty. The right foods may help to slow down skin damage, promote skin regeneration, and support that glowing look everyone loves*

The wrong foods may lead to dryness or excessive oiliness, trigger acne, or even contribute to allergies and local inflammation*.


With that in mind, we created this awesome skin grocery shopping list for you. Try focus on these simple and delicious foods to support your skin health and beauty through the years!


Let's get down to the nitty-gritty…



We designed this infographic to easier provide you an overview of the best foods for glowing skin.

Download it by entering your email below (we will send it to your email), print it out, tape it to your fridge, or bring it to the supermarket when you do your weekly grocery shopping.

How to Use this List

How to Use this List

In this guide, you’ll a find a list of 20 Foods for Glowing Skin.

Some of them are packed with important nutrients*; others are suggested in scientific research studies to potentially have anti-aging properties* or simply awesome for supporting healthy hormone levels*.
In any case, here’s the most important thing to remember:


RELAX! Do NOT stuff yourself with any of these foods!


Glowing skin isn't a matter of bingeing on soy and carrots until you can’t stand the thought of them anymore. And no, you don’t have to eat a plate of broccoli three times per day, even though it’s on this list. That’s not how it works!


Instead, just keep this list at hand, buy a few foods from it when you have a chance. Then, do your best and eat some foods from this list every day. No specific amounts, no particular meals, absolute freedom! Also, some of these foods can be used topically, so try applying them as face masks!


The point is to keep these foods in mind and eat them regularly instead of approaching them as ”natural medicine” and strive for a certain daily amount, stress over the milligrams of active compounds, and so on… No. God, no.


Relax, enjoy your life, enjoy your meals, enjoy your beauty—and try to enjoy at least some of these foods regularly. That will be more than enough for your glowing skin!


That said, let’s dive into the tasty details.



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20 Foods for Glowing Skin

20 Foods for Glowing Skin

1. Soy

1. Soy

Soy is probably the most well-known source of phytoestrogens, and the lion's share of them are from the isoflavone group. Studies have found that three soy isoflavones—daidzein, glycitein, and genistein—are absolutely fabulous for the skin, as they may enhance skin elasticity and help reduce fine wrinkles*!


2. Raisins

2. Raisins

Raisins and other dried fruit are an amazing source of daidzein, a phytoestrogen that may support healthy levels of estrogen*.


In terms of skin beauty, the daidzein in raisins may help premature skin thinning, improves elasticity, and supports skin regeneration*.


3. Berries

3. Berries

All berries are rich in lignans, a major class of phytoestrogens. This means they’re all fabulous foods for women. Some berries have a few extra benefits specifically for the skin, especially if you apply them topically.


For example, some research studies reported that strawberries are natural skin moisturizers thanks to their active compound tiliroside*. Additionally, this nutrient also supports the protective features of the skin*.


Red raspberries make awesome natural sunscreens*. When applied topically, raspberries may help protect the skin from UVB radiation thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidative action*.


4. Parsley

4. Parsley

Besides being a delicious and extremely versatile herb, parsley is also a great natural source of apigenin. Studies reported that apigenin may suppress skin damage*. Also, when applied topically, the apigenin in parsley could potentially help to:


  • Increase skin elasticity*
  • Reduce fine wrinkles*
  • Support hydration*
  • Improve skin evenness*


5. Kale

5. Kale

Among all salad greens, kale may be one of the best options for your skin. Why’s that? Well, according to animal studies, long-term intake of kale may help slow down skin aging*. This effect is based on kale’s ability to support skin elasticity* and fight off UVB damage to the skin*!


6. Pueraria Mirifica

6. Pueraria Mirifica

If you live outside Asia, most likely you won’t find Pueraria Mirifica in your local market or grocery store. Nevertheless, this plant’s phytoestrogenic potential is so amazing that we definitely want to recommend ordering it as a supplement or skincare product.

Make sure to check our special Face Serum containing Pueraria Mirifica!


Pueraria Mirifica contains at least 17 different phytoestrogens, mainly from the isoflavone group. These compounds have been suggested in research studies to help slow down skin aging*, and potentially even reduce the depth of existing wrinkles*. Wow!


7. Carrots

7. Carrots

Did you know that such an ordinary vegetable like the humble carrot packs quite a few benefits for the skin? Get ready for a surprise!



8. Avocados

8. Avocados

In terms of nutrition, avocados are an awesome source of vitamins A, C, D, and E—along with carotenes and other compounds that are beneficial for the skin.

For example, alpha-linolenic acid (a particular type of omega-3) has been suggested in research studies to support wound healing*, enhance skin hydration* and reduce wrinkles*.


Additionally, avocado is a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals that may protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and free radicals*.


9. Walnuts

9. Walnuts

As a food, walnuts are a great source of vitamins C and E, omega-3s, polyphenols, carotenoids, and other antioxidants that may protect the skin from free radicals*.


The main polyphenols in walnuts are pedunculagin and ellagitannin, both of which may have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that may influence the skin on many different levels*.


10. Flaxseed

10. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is rich in the lignan ecoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). In the body, SDG is converted to enterolactone and enterodiol—both are very similar to estrogen in terms of structure and function*! This may make flaxseed extra beneficial for women*.


In the skin, estrogen (and phytoestrogen alternatives like the ones in flaxseed) may be great for supporting skin hydration, increasing elasticity, and reducing wrinkle depth and pore size*.


11. Olives and Olive Oil

11. Olives and Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the most loved oils for everyday use, along with avocado and coconut oil. Chock-full of healthy fats and other nutrients, olives and olive oil have showed an impressive list of potential benefits in many studies*:


  • Scavenge and neutralize free radicals*
  • Calm down inflammation*
  • Support the nervous system*


And many others! But when it comes to skin health, olives and olive oil are mostly known for their ability to help prevent ultraviolet damage* and slow down skin aging* potentially because their antioxidative properties.


12. Sweet Potatoes

12. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids are suggested in research to be powerful antioxidants that may protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation*, have potential anti-aging properties*, and promote skin regeneration*.


13. Broccoli

13. Broccoli

This extremely versatile vegetable may have a whole bunch of skin benefits!



Enjoy broccoli steamed, boiled, in smoothies and pies—everything works!


14. Tomatoes

14. Tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and A, as well as other carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins. All of these compounds may have particular benefits for the skin*!


For example, lycopene is suggested in research studies to be a natural sunscreen—and taking it as a supplement (or getting it from tomatoes) has been shown to boost lycopene concentration in the skin of the face. Basically, it’s like a sunscreen that protects your skin from the inside out!


(But using regular sunscreen is still important, of course!*)


15. Dark Chocolate

15. Dark Chocolate

Probably one of the most delicious foods on this list, dark chocolate is a fabulous source of potentially anti-inflammatory and antioxidative compounds that may help protect the skin and support skin aging*.


Opt for extra-dark chocolate with as little sugar as possible to maximize the benefits!


16. Red Grapes

16. Red Grapes

Red grapes are one of the best natural sources of resveratrol, which may be one of the most promising natural anti-aging compounds that science has researched so far. Besides being a potentially powerful antioxidative and anti-inflammatory compound, resveratrol may literally slow down aging on a cellular level*.


17. Papaya

17. Papaya

Papaya is one of those amazing foods that are awesome for the skin both when you eat them—and when you apply them topically.

As a food
, papaya is rich in a wide range of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C, E, the whole B complex, zinc, magnesium, and potassium.


When applied topically, papaya extracts, creams, and masks may support skin regeneration and healing of wounds*. Because of this effect the fruit has been used traditionally to prepare wound dressings in some tropical countries*.


18. Beetroot

18. Beetroot

According to some research studies, beetroot is among the top plants with the highest antioxidant activity*. This alone already makes beets seem like an amazing food to protect the skin from UV rays and other potential damaging factors*.


As if that wasn’t enough, beetroot is also rich in healthy nitrates that the body converts into nitric oxide (NO)*. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes and widens the blood vessels. This may help enhance the blood flow throughout the whole body including the skin*!


19. Fatty Fish

19. Fatty Fish

Salmon, herring, mackerel, and other types of fatty fish are amazing sources of healthy fats—omega-3 fatty acids in particular. Why is that important for skin health?


Studies reported that omega-3 fatty acids may help soothe skin inflammation, enhance regeneration, reduce the severity of skin allergies and even protect the skin against UV rays*.

The best way to reap these benefits would be to just eat fatty fish more often, but taking fish oil seems like a good alternative if fish isn’t your thing.


20. Bell Peppers

20. Bell Peppers

Like most other red, yellow, and orange vegetables, bell peppers are rich in carotenoids. They’re also one of the best common sources of vitamin C—which is basically one of the top nutrients for glowing skin*.


Besides being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is also essential for the skin to produce collagen, the protein that may help keep the skin firm and prevent sagginess. Studies reported that women who have higher levels of vitamin C in their diet deal with fewer skin wrinkles and less age-related dryness*!


Ready to Level Up Your Skin?

Ready to Level Up Your Skin?

Besides a good diet, there are several other factors that may have a big impact on the health and beauty of your skin:


  • Avoiding harmful habits, products, substances*
  • Getting enough sleep and rest every day*
  • Exercising regularly*
  • Keeping a consistent daily skincare routine*
  • Maintaining a healthy hormonal balance*


The last point deserves a bit of special attention.


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For extra support for the skin, try a skincare product like our Face Serum with premium-quality Pueraria Mirifica extract*

For extra support for the skin, try a skincare product like our Face Serum with premium-quality Pueraria Mirifica extract*


Hormones and the Skin

Hormones and the Skin

Estrogens are a group of female hormones that may be essential for the beauty of any woman, which is why you are born with high levels of it*.


They control the development of feminine traits, have a big impact on the skin, and may even affect physical performance*.


A good strategy is to consume a diet containing phytoestrogenic foods, such as the foods in this short guide (or get them in the form of topical creams).


For natural support, try using a skincare product with phytoestrogens like our Face Serum containing premium-quality Pueraria Mirifica extract*.


Pueraria Mirifica remains one of the possibly best natural sources of phytoestrogens*, and we made sure to make its benefits for the skin as affordable and accessible for any woman out there. Try it out today!


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.