Skin Care

Estrogen Skin Cream: Actions, Benefits and Options

Estrogen Skin Cream: Actions, Benefits and Options
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and it’s responsible for protecting us from our immediate environment. However, aging can subject the skin to a harsh beating, which can fortunately be alleviated by products like estrogen skin cream. Skin thickness and texture is largely affected by a person’s hormone levels. This is true for both men and women whose skin eventually thins and sags.

Loss of Skin Elasticity: Reasons, Causes, & 6 Ways to Restore It

Loss of Skin Elasticity: Reasons, Causes, & 6 Ways to Restore It
The loss of skin elasticity can occur at any point in your life, but it’s especially pronounced during menopause. This is primarily because of the significant drop in your estrogen levels. But what exactly does estrogen have to do with your skin? In this article, we’ll discuss how your hormones are related to skin elasticity, along with other reasons why your skin might lose its tightness.

Ovestin Cream for Face Skin Health and Beauty: Does It Really Work?

Ovestin Cream for Face Skin Health and Beauty: Does It Really Work?
You may have heard of women who swear by using Ovestin cream for face. Maybe they have used some other form of estrogen cream. Some of them even claim that you should forget about using Botox. However, the big question is its effectiveness and possible side-effects that may come with its use.

Estrogen Cream for Facial Hair: How it Works and What to Expect

Estrogen Cream for Facial Hair: How it Works and What to Expect
A lot of women will find that the hair on their skin doesn’t grow as they used to after menopause. The hair on their head will most likely thin out and to make matters worse that is also accompanied by hair growth on the chin and sometimes on the upper lip. If you do have excess facial hair, you may be thinking of laser treatments, estrogen cream for facial hair, or some other possible solution.