Skin Care

Skin Rejuvenation Methods, Benefits, and Side Effects

Skin Rejuvenation Methods, Benefits, and Side Effects
Skin rejuvenation is a group of medical procedures and techniques that reverse the visible signs of aging on the skin. There are different rejuvenation strategies available today.

Menopause Dry Skin: Causes, Treatment, Natural Care

Menopause Dry Skin: Causes, Treatment, Natural Care
Menopause is a perfectly natural thing, but that doesn’t make it pleasant. Not at the very least! After all, it comes with many super uncomfortable changes like menopause dry skin, and these may take quite some time to adapt to. Today, we’ll take a good look at what exactly causes dry skin during menopause, and what’s the best way to fight this condition.

Hormones and Dry Skin: Can Phytoestrogens Help with Wrinkles and Dryness?

Hormones and Dry Skin: Can Phytoestrogens Help with Wrinkles and Dryness?
In this hormones and dry skin post, we’ll take on the subject of skin dryness during menopause. What exactly is the reason for having dry skin during menopause and how should women go about it to have that youthful-looking skin back again? There are things that we can suggest that you do, but one we most recommend is using products with phytoestrogens.

Eyelid Wrinkles: Causes, Prevention, Natural Treatment

Eyelid Wrinkles: Causes, Prevention, Natural Treatment
Eyelid wrinkles are something that just seems to appear naturally as people grow older. But natural doesn’t always equal pretty. The good news is, there are many things you can do to improve the health of your skin and prevent the development of all wrinkles, including those on your eyelids. It simply takes a better understanding of why wrinkles form in the first place.

Best Treatment for Eye Wrinkles: Topicals, Laser, Needling, Botox—What Works Best?

Best Treatment for Eye Wrinkles: Topicals, Laser, Needling, Botox—What Works Best?
Knowing how valuable eyesight is, it’s obvious why you should protect the organ responsible for it. If you want to look younger and brighter, caring for your eyes is also a must. Remember how early signs of aging and stress often involve the eyes. Thanks to the best treatment for eye wrinkles, regaining your youthful glow is now more manageable. You also have options on how to get it.

Under Eye Wrinkle Treatment: Options, Side Effects, and Natural Alternatives

Under Eye Wrinkle Treatment: Options, Side Effects, and Natural Alternatives
Is your undereye wrinkle already making you self-conscious? Having lines under your eyes is a normal part of aging, but if it’s starting to affect your confidence, you can address it with an under eye wrinkle treatment. There are various under eye wrinkle remedies that can help you restore a tight, youthful skin. We'll take a look at some options to treat and prevent fine lines under your eyes.

Upper Lip Wrinkles: Popular Remedies, Their Drawbacks, and Natural Alternatives

Upper Lip Wrinkles: Popular Remedies, Their Drawbacks, and Natural Alternatives
Get in front of a mirror and purse your lips. If you see vertical lines forming above your lips, then you’re seeing one of the distressing signs that your skin may be aging prematurely. Those upper lip wrinkles and the marionette lines just beside them are wrinkles that can ruin your otherwise smooth complexion. So, is there anything that can be done to fix these lip lines?