Skin Care

Benefits of HRT for Skin Health: Are They Worth the Risks?

Benefits of HRT for Skin Health: Are They Worth the Risks?
You are probably aware of the buzz surrounding the benefits of HRT for skin. An increasing number of menopausal women are looking into the possibility of using hormone replacement therapy or HRT to counter skin aging. What is HRT? How does it affect the body? How does it affect the skin?

Estriol Cream Benefits: Skin Health, Intimate Comfort, and More

Estriol Cream Benefits: Skin Health, Intimate Comfort, and More
In women, a lot of things change within the body as they reach menopause. That’s also the same time when aging starts to change the body. Though no one can stop aging, there are ways that can help delay the manifestation of aging and prolong the body’s healthy functions. Below you’ll find out what estriol cream is and 5 estriol cream benefits that can help women regain comfort in their own skin.

Wrinkle Eraser: An Instant Solution for your Wrinkles or just another Scam?

Wrinkle Eraser: An Instant Solution for your Wrinkles or just another Scam?
There are a few things you have to know about wrinkle erasers before getting one. The dreaded sign of aging like wrinkles has been worrying a lot of women as early as their 30’s. The decreasing estrogen level on women, as they age, affects the way they look. Our skin layer changes as estrogen levels decrease. The outer layer of the skin, epidermis becomes thinner. It loses moisture.

Estriol for Sagging Skin: How It Works and What to Expect

Estriol for Sagging Skin: How It Works and What to Expect
Estriol (E3), a minor female sex hormone, is one of the three endogenous estrogens together with estradiol and estrone. Among all estrogens, estriol is the most produced in the body, and because it is very safe to use, estriol for sagging skin is one of the most considered strategies to treat such a condition and other skin conditions that go with aging.